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Author Gym Day: Most interesting/inspirational thing i've had/seen

Registered: 14th Apr 06
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1st Nov 08 at 19:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well today i spent the afternoon (well about 3.5hours) in the company of Kerry Kayes (owner of CNP and ex Ricky Hatton strength and nutritional coach) and Ernie Taylor (British BB, featured in some Mr Olympias, but now a cage fighter)

Had a nutrional seminar which was free of charge, but only about 5 of us turned up from our gym and some random guys as well. I was hooked for 3.5 hours, Kerry and Ernie went over everything, I know alot about nutrition and training but even i learnt things. I also learnt how superior CNP products are to any other company. CNP are the ONLY company to not take there casein protein from cheese manufacturers. All of their products are so good, they are the biggest supplement company in the world, and even the pro's who are sponsored by Met-RX etc use CNP and get nutritional training from Kerry.

Then Ernie gave a talk on training then gave us some poses even though hes 4 stone lighter than his Mr. O days back in 2002/03 as he had to retired after a motorbike accident. Still he is fucking massive, when i was speaking to him and shook his hand it was like a spade was insane. Possibly the nicest guys i've ever met and spoken too, both sound down to earth.

From today i learnt even more, and i will be using CNP products from now on for everything, you pay the most to get the best, thats what i'll be doing. Except for creatine etc which i'll still get from Myprotein.

They also covered the bullshit companies like maximuscle and proved how they're a farce, such as that Maxipower or whatever it is, they trademarked it and tried to make it as if its a new thing they've created, but when you go to and type it in and look all it says is "a pre workout whey shake" haha its insane.

This thread is pretty useless but i just wanted to share my experience with the other lifters on here. Next time you go to get supps, use CNP!

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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1st Nov 08 at 19:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So a guy that owns the company has said how his stuff is better than the competition

Registered: 11th Aug 02
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1st Nov 08 at 19:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

And now Adz is sponsored by CNP

Registered: 14th Apr 06
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1st Nov 08 at 20:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
So a guy that owns the company has said how his stuff is better than the competition

Not like that at all, he gave evidence etc, trust me I am a massive believer of not hearing 1 side of a story, but i came home and checked it and its crazy how its true.

Plus, i think i'd trust him than some random guy in a suit who runs Reflex or Met-RX. Kerry Kayes was a bodybuilder, he now works with Man City doing their nutrition, and Newcastle and some other clubs, along with many boxers and bodybuilders.

Trust me, he knows his shit

Registered: 14th Apr 06
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1st Nov 08 at 20:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Marc
And now Adz is sponsored by CNP

I wish they had 2 guys there who are sponsored by CNP, and they were like oak trees it was insane. Also had a woman there who flies to america next week to defend her title. She did some posing as well, although female bodybuilding makes me feel ill lol

Registered: 11th Aug 02
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1st Nov 08 at 20:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not that I use it but, my gym sells Multipower, was that mentioned?

Registered: 14th Apr 06
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1st Nov 08 at 20:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've never heard of them mate, so i've just had to google them and they look pretty crap. Is that what you take?

I managed to get 5kg of CNP Pro-Mass today to give it a go, will have to see how it goes. I'm currently using PhD whey, but i'll be trying Pro-Peptide next i reckon

Registered: 14th Apr 06
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1st Nov 08 at 20:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ahh i just seen Multipower do a shake i sometimes buy in a glass bottle, i consider it a "treat" shake as it tastes just like a milkshake from nesquik etc, didn't know it was Multipower though, but thats the only product i've seen of theirs

Registered: 11th Aug 02
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1st Nov 08 at 20:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Don't use it but Fitness First have the stuff everywhere!

Registered: 15th Apr 06
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2nd Nov 08 at 15:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Since i first started taking suppliments i have always used CNP, a guy in my town i know is sponsored by them and is entered into Mr. Universe, i get most of my advice from him (Ste Taylor) about training and what supps to use etc, plus its nice and cheap from him
Also, the CNP stuff tastes very good!

[Edited on 02-11-2008 by J4M13]

Registered: 25th Mar 02
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2nd Nov 08 at 22:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's called a sales pitch mate

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2nd Nov 08 at 22:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It wasn't a sales pitch though, Kerry is mates with my gym owner as they know each other from competing and they did it for free, Ernie and Kerry got paid nothing to come down, i'm on the south coast Kerry had to come down from manchester (he has a black rolls royce with black alloys, was nice) and Ernie came from Birmingham.

They've been doing them for 10+ yrs, on youtube they have some of their seminars.

But I won't keep going on, you leppers will believe what you want to believe

Registered: 16th Mar 07
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3rd Nov 08 at 12:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I agree with Bram. Just sounds like a sales pitch to me. As you say, these guys have been in the business decades and they're very intelligent business-men.

So what they came down from Manchester to the South coast for free. They probably knew they'd "inspire" you and a few others to start using their products. There's always a money-orientated agenda on their minds. You now believe CNP products are the best so will now recommend them to many others.

I agree that CNP are a decent company but there are also many more supplement companies that are very good.

Also, Ernie probably used to use more AAS and synthol than protein supplements to get to the level he was tbh. Most supplement companies utilize an pro/ex-pro BBer to endorse their stuff but how much of Ernie's gains/progression would you attribute to a superior casein product which isn't made from the cheese making process?

[Edited on 03-11-2008 by radicalry00]

Registered: 16th Jan 06
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3rd Nov 08 at 21:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

kerry was in my gym the other day.
asked the owener to be a compair (sp) at the dorian classic next month.

i like cnp products, 6scoops of promass every morning

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