Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Saxo VTS Mint and Standard

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Author Saxo VTS Mint and Standard

Registered: 18th Jan 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: S15
User status: Offline
24th Dec 08 at 13:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Here is my Citoren saxo Vts.

Its completly standard and is the perfect base for someone.

Its covered only 53k miles and has FULL CITROEN service history since car was purchased and this is stamped in the log book. I am also only the second owner of the car.

It has MOT untill september 2009 and Tax until April/May 2009.

The car istelf runs perfect and is a really good example of a saxo. The interior is also in perfect condition with passenger side airbag and two front airbag seats.

Bad Bits - There are only 2 bits which let the car down and that is curbing on the rear driver side wheel and it could do with new number plates that is it.

The car also has 11 months warrenty left which will cover any mechanical failure.
This is with Autoprotect and if you wish to keep the warrenty then it will cost arround £30.00 to transfer details.

I am after £3000.00 for the car and do not really want to go lower so no silly offers please

Reason I want to sell is simple.....I want another vauxhall in my life

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Saxo VTS Mint and Standard 25 database queries in 0.0108249 seconds