Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » mk4 astra sport 1.8 (swap?)

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Author mk4 astra sport 1.8 (swap?)

Registered: 20th Jan 08
Location: Boston, Lincs
User status: Offline
24th Dec 08 at 17:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have decided I need a change of car simply because I fancy something different in the new year so my beloved astra is up for sale or preferbly just a straight swap, it has as follows;
white dials
17 alloy wheels
boot spoiler
sport interior
tax runs out 31/01/09
m.o.t expires on 31 july 09

The car is a pritty much standard sport model apart from the wheels and it drives fine with no funny knocks or sounds it's also quite fast as it's a 1.8.

As most cars it has some bad points and I will be very honest with you so you don't get nasty surprises, has a pound coin size rust on driver side rear arch, has scratches on the front bumper, has a dent and scratch on driver side front wheel arch, has water in drivers headlight but works fine, has a cracked wing mirror, passenger seat has a broken clip which makes it lean to 1 side, tracking was knocked out so it pulls slightly to 1 side. That is all of the bad problems which are only small things that need time to fix and I have a touch up brush in the right colour which I will leave in the car.

I would prefer a swap but a cash sale is fine, I don't have a car in mind I would like so any swap offers are welcome however can't go bigger than a 1.8, I also have cash to put towards something decent. cheers

Base price £1250 because I have to

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » mk4 astra sport 1.8 (swap?) 25 database queries in 0.0110860 seconds