Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
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So, my mum just checked our phone bill, and we have been charged £640 
Our contract "ended" in december but we have carried on with it until we decide what to upgrade to - all fine. Or so we thought, just phoned them up and apparently when youre contract ends they can still charge you for things. So i have sent 2700 txts, and my bro 1700 or something, and they have charged us £640
BUT we get 400 mins of free calls still :s
We are on buisines with 4 phones, and supposed to get 400 mins calls and unlimited txts, and it works out about £30 each phone.
Is it true once ure contract is up they can charge you what they want??!!?
[Edited on 21-01-2009 by jacko198]
Registered: 16th Oct 04
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You sent near enough 3000 texts in a month?
Registered: 28th Mar 02
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i had a load of trouble with Orange recently. was just my own phone though not a business account. i told them i didn't want to carry on the contract once the 18 months had expired. they must have fucked up though as 3 months went by then they sent me a bill saying i owed them £196. I just put in a very polite call to customer services and they credited my account for that value then cancelled it for me. i hadn't used the phone in that time though so it wasn't a problem. I'd suggest you ask to speak to a manager to discuss it though as they might reduce that bill a bit. you will still have to pay something though i would think since you sent so many messages. it's a bit naughty putting up your charges after that contract had expired imo.
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
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True, no one actually said anything to us or anything, so its as if we should know!
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
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Anyone know if they are aloud to do this?
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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no because you stay on what you're on but its just a rolling contract rather than a 12 monther
Registered: 29th Apr 03
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nope they are defo not allowed to change your contract without first informing you of it first.
as you did nothing the contract should have kept going exactly as it was previously.
they could if they wanted to remove the free texts from the contract but they would have to give a minimum of one months notice in writing and if they made a change as drastic as that you could cancel without any penalty.
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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er although i would ask for an itemised bill as it sounds like you are quite heavy users so possibly you have gone over your free minutes or used to many texts that month
i know it says unlimited texts but if you read the small print there is actually a limit might be 3000 a month , so the charges might actually be just.
firs tport of call is an itemised bill or check online to see exactly were the charges have come from.
if they have charged you for things that should have been included for free then you can get that back obviously.
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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quote: Originally posted by C2RL R
i had a load of trouble with Orange recently. was just my own phone though not a business account. i told them i didn't want to carry on the contract once the 18 months had expired. they must have fucked up though as 3 months went by then they sent me a bill saying i owed them �196. I just put in a very polite call to customer services and they credited my account for that value then cancelled it for me. i hadn't used the phone in that time though so it wasn't a problem. I'd suggest you ask to speak to a manager to discuss it though as they might reduce that bill a bit. you will still have to pay something though i would think since you sent so many messages. it's a bit naughty putting up your charges after that contract had expired imo.
its not naughty they are not allowed to put up the charges of phone usuage without written notice if its by a large ammount, there still in a legally binding contract till one of the parties disolves it, regardless if the 12 months is up ect.
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
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The terms and conditions say
2.1 your Contract runs for at least the Minimum Term
For each Device you own, your Contract starts on the date of Registration and will continue for the Minimum Term and thereafter You have limited rights to terminate your Contract during the Minimum Term as described in Section 4.
2.2 what happens when the minimum term ends
After the Minimum Term ends, we will continue to supply you with Services as normal until your Contract is terminated in any of the ways described in Section 4.
They are trying to say that the unlimited txt part of the dolphin 30 is an "extra" and so they are continuing as normal
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
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and i have been sending over 3000 for months now, and have never been paid for it and have definatly not gone over any limits
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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might have been a promotional text bundle that was only included for so many months ?
we used to have 3/9/12 month ones all the time at vodafone on people accounts, check your origional contract it will say how long the texts should last.
you basically need to find out if the unlimited texts were a promotional offer or if they were just an extra that you had added on for additonal money
it will say something on the contract like
"dolphin 30 with 12 month FOC text bundle"
"dolphin 30 unlimited text "
if it doesnt say the texts were for a limited time you should be able to get it back.
[Edited on 21-01-2009 by ssj_kakarot]
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
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http://shop.orange.co.uk/shop/paymonthly does that help? It doesnt say anything about the txts being an extra
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
User status: Offline
Infact, its orange solo we are on http://shop.orange.co.uk/shop/business/plans because were on buissiness
But it say unlimited txts included on all tarrifs!
[Edited on 21-01-2009 by jacko198]
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
User status: Offline
yup looks like its included in the origional tariff, id ring and ask to speak to a manager, dont see why they would have removed it without telling you.
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
User status: Offline
Cheers buddy.
The contract ended on like 30th nov. But as it says in the terms and conditions up there ^ they should carry on as normal untill we terminate it