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Author corsa sport c20xe (project)

Registered: 16th May 07
Location: Huddersfield
User status: Offline
23rd Feb 09 at 16:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

im just seen if there is any interest in my corsa as i dont think i will have the funds to finish it. it is a 1995 corsa sport with 85,000 on the engine and 113,000 on the shell

ok the body is a corsa sport aruoa purple (only so many made in the colour)its a 1.4 on the log book but now its got a gsi engine in.

firstly the body

its lowered 60mm all the way around with vauxhall astra sport alloys with 4 toyo proxies on which are brand new

smoked side repeaters ,delocked door handles

now the bad bit of the body, there is rust on the drivers door at the bottom, and also in the middle of the rearpanel (only a spot in the pannel) the drivers side electric window is abit dodgey but it still works. also on the spolier (common place). the front bumper is cracked and the rear bumper has had the paint knocked off it when someone who owned it before me was run in the back of.

But the sills have no rust on them

The engine

it has a 1.6 gsi engine in it now which burns a fair bit of oil and is a very lumpy engine but it still works and runs.

it has a de-cat back,powerflow exhaust system on it with a 3inch rolled out tip.

it also has 2.0 brakes on it, which could do with new discs and pads

OK NOW FOR THE GOOD PARTS (so its not all bad)

It comes with a c20xe engine which was fully rebuilt with a ported and polished head. a Full c20xe wiring loom and a recondition F20 gear box. it has only done 10,000 since rebuild and not once gone over 2 and a half thousand revs

it also has a full post 97 interior in it

got a post 97 front bumper to replace the cracked one.

it is mot'd till august so it is driveable home, but tax runs out at end of this month, but i will tax it for the right price

I brought this as a project car but because ofnot having enough spare time, i decided i will sell for the right price

im looking for £900 but open to offers the reason the price is so high is because of the engine which is worth over 400 on its own. will make a great project for someone who has time for it and will be a minter when its all done.

pictures on request

thanks simon or contact me on 07709493982

[Edited on 24-02-2009 by Fonz]

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