Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » 1997 Suzuki Gsx-r srad 600 open to offers.

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Author 1997 Suzuki Gsx-r srad 600 open to offers.

Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: SE England
User status: Offline
25th Feb 09 at 17:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Up for sale is my 1997 srad 600 (R reg 1997 )
I got the bike around a year ago and haven't used it much since, its been stored at my friends house where he was using it 1-2 days a week.
For me after not using a bike for quite a wile this is far too powerful.

Mechanically the bike is sound and its only done 23,519 miles.
Bad thing is the original clocks cracked and got water logged.
Kmh clocks were fitted and now read 55979km.
Mot's I have
18,970 miles, 19322 miles, 19493 miles, 21468 miles and then more recent clocks 52495 miles, should have been km as the speedo goes to 280.
Now they read 55979. so it's 3302 kmh in the time Ive had it which is 2051 miles and in total 23519 miles.

Bad points.
The is a dent in the tank (show in pictures)
No current MOT but it's only done a 2050 miles so there isen't a great change in the bike from the last mot.
Some scuffs on the panels (in pictures)
Well this one annoys me, previous owner put red bull motorcross stickers on the frame I tryed to remove them but its left some sticky stuff.
Rear left indicator bulb popped so a new bulb is needed.

Good points.
pretty low mileage.
Starts first time.
Carbon fibre rear hugger.
Newish pilot spot tyres.
Viper end can, pop and bangs.
Good overall mechanical condition.

Tax runs out 04 09

Bike was changed into a street fighter look with the renthals and the tiwn the head lights.

Would be a good, first bike, communting bike, track bike or a project as I really thing it has a lot of potencial.

Has a few spares, standard end can, rear panels, passanger seat and front mudguard.
Its a good bike just needs to be tidyed up.

As a base prices im looking for £1050 ono.

[Edited on 25-02-2009 by Sunz]

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