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Author Corsa's sold. Opinions on vectra's?

Registered: 9th Aug 05
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21st Apr 09 at 11:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
Originally posted by Nic Barnes
dude, you put the worst engine vauxhall ever made into your corsa. think before you type punk.

Mechanical opinions from a Cheque book tuner.. LOVE IT!

I don't think anyone could accuse Nic of being a cheque book tuner.

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
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21st Apr 09 at 11:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So you actually want a car thats notorious for having a bad engine? And VAG cars are boring but a vectra isnt? Come on they use them as taxis round where i live.

Dont set your sights on just one car, have you considered something like a honda accord type r or a civic VTI-S? The VTI-S is a cracking car - practical, reliable, not bad to look at and has good handling and performance for a 4 door saloon.

IMO if i was t have a vectra C it would have to be the CDTi, theres a reason they have the highest resale value, and that is they are the best engines in the range.

[Edited on 21-04-2009 by DizzyRebel]

Registered: 6th Oct 04
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21st Apr 09 at 12:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Vectras aren't notorious for having bad engines, my dad's taxis all vectras.

We like em, don't want anything overly fast but still nippy enough.

Need's to be insurable as George will be named driver when his ban is up. Type R's etc all out of question.

Vectra is only group 10 and an extra £4 a month from the corsa!

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
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21st Apr 09 at 12:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You said you cant afford the denzel, so it sounds like your just settling for a 2.2 even though you know that the denzel is the best bet. Seriously, why dont you get a small £1000 loan or £1000 on finance for one? small amounts like that arent a bad thing, esp if it helps you out in the long run!

Registered: 8th Oct 08
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21st Apr 09 at 12:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DizzyRebel
Ill second that, The Vaux V6 engine isnt a bad one at all. Fairly reliable, plenty of grunt and sounds nice too. Better than most other marques attempt at an NA V6 engine of the era.

Even the ISUZU 3.2 lump is miles better IMHO.

It has some serious cooling issues and doesnt help that the engine is transversely mounted; the rear banks can over heat causing CHG failure, head warping and even the block can warp!.

The oil heat transfer unit is a shit design too, people rarely notice that its failed until their cooling system is so full of oily crud its too late, the engine over heats and shits its self.

Absoloute arsehole to work on.... The plastic rocker cover models have issues with oil weeping, the rear engine torque arms fail like clock work (not that is the fault of the engine).

And the later 2.6/3.2 blocks are a joke! I've seen loads that have warped.

They arent exactly top of the leaque when it comes to power output per litre either and the fuel economy is shocking.

Registered: 8th Oct 08
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21st Apr 09 at 12:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Laura
Vectras aren't notorious for having bad engines, my dad's taxis all vectras.

How many of the TAXI's are V6's?? I'm guessing very few if ANY? No taxi driver in their right mind would run a thirsty engine like that, you wouldnt make a penny!

Bet they are all 1.8 and 1.9CDTi's

[Edited on 21-04-2009 by DaveyLC]

Registered: 24th Nov 06
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21st Apr 09 at 13:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i would look at vectra 130's. Before i got the astra i looked at 2.2 vectras and the only reason i never bought one was because of the consumption. Its probably the same as the GSI but you have alot more fun in the astra.

Registered: 15th Feb 07
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21st Apr 09 at 15:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The 2.2 vectra C's aint the most reliable tbh, my brother has 1(an 05 plate) which is a taxi and so far has been through 3 fuel pumps as they last about 30-40k his mate has one the same and has been through 2 so far My uncle also has 1 and the timing chain snapped at 70k Latest problem with my brothers is the ecu is fucked!

They are nice cars but once the miles start clocking up they seem to just break and its never somthing cheap.

[Edited on 21-04-2009 by B3KAN]

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21st Apr 09 at 15:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The fuel pump is a model wide problem on the petrols and the ECU problems are common to many late spec vauxhalls now they have mounted them on the engine.

Registered: 22nd Nov 07
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21st Apr 09 at 16:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

tbh am not scared of things breaking never have been and tbh i have never heard of half these problems from friends and relitives that have vectra c's so i will take what you's say with a pinch of salts but i will bare it in mind!

Registered: 6th Oct 04
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21st Apr 09 at 17:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
Originally posted by Laura
Vectras aren't notorious for having bad engines, my dad's taxis all vectras.

How many of the TAXI's are V6's?? I'm guessing very few if ANY? No taxi driver in their right mind would run a thirsty engine like that, you wouldnt make a penny!

Bet they are all 1.8 and 1.9CDTi's

[Edited on 21-04-2009 by DaveyLC]

But we don't want a v6

And as for taking out loans etc, no chance. We just got a mortgage in January!

Fact - £3k max to spend, not a penny over.

Don't want high miles as most cars with high miles we go see are all tatty inside, the engine might be sound but we don't want scabby worn insides.

If anything does go wrong we have the satisfaction of knowing we can fire it on the ramps along at the taxi garage and it'll be fixed in a jiffy.

We want a nice looking car, 2002 or newer, not too slow and not too fast, reasonable insurance group.

As an all rounder the vectra ticked all the right boxes. The SRi only comes in 1.8 or 2.2 and from reading up on vectra forums and hearsay the 2.2 is the better of the 2.

By all means if anyone can back up these claims of nice newer model cars for under 3k that fits what we are looking for then please post the linkys to tickle our tastebuds

Nic Barnes

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21st Apr 09 at 17:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
Originally posted by Nic Barnes
dude, you put the worst engine vauxhall ever made into your corsa. think before you type punk.

Mechanical opinions from a Cheque book tuner.. LOVE IT!

oh dear god no
Rick Draper

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21st Apr 09 at 17:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
Originally posted by Nic Barnes
dude, you put the worst engine vauxhall ever made into your corsa. think before you type punk.

Mechanical opinions from a Cheque book tuner.. LOVE IT!

O dear, you really dont understand

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