Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
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Only Premium members can sell but anyone can buy.
Before the premium member can sell they have to have confirmation of home address and telephone number.
Ian sends a letter to their registered home address with a password or whatever.
The code must be entered before the user can create classified threads.
Something like that anyway.....
Registered: 23rd Jan 04
Location: Scotland
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not read the whole thread but premium members and a minimum of 3 months signed up
Registered: 14th Nov 04
Location: St Helens
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If its put to premium members, There should be contact details added to the profiles.
(if its already been said, sorry, didnīt want to be sat reading all day!)
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Stafford
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Seller rating system?
Registered: 1st Feb 08
Location: Berkshire
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quote: Originally posted by RS6
only prem ppl should sell this works on ccuk
prem isnt going to improve it..dave a's group buy for depo headlights, was he or was he not a prem?
it will go wrong if its only for prem, people wont be able to sell the things they dont want anymore.
Registered: 11th Nov 02
Location: Derby
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Out of interest, is this why I couldn't reply in a thread in the classifieds earlier?
Registered: 27th Jul 08
Location: South Ayrshire Drives: Corsa Sport
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Personally i think, it would be a good idea in the way that, generally you know who the premium members are, due to there not being as many of them, but I also think it will make the sites numbers go down quite a bit, on the other hand, i personally would only buy off premium members unless i am picking up the item in person, which i have already done a few times, the other way i would buy off non premium members would be if people i knew had already bought off them and the seller was highly recommended.
So a rating/feedback system like ebay would be good IMO
Registered: 3rd Sep 05
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The problem is that users don't actually ask for other users details before sending off money. Then Ian has to spend all his own time chasing it up.
In an ideal world, you'd keep it open to everyone which is what I'd still prefer. I've done half a dozen trades with people off here and never been premium and I'm sure anyone whos bought off me is happy, and I'm happy with anyone I've bought off (mostly non-prem).
The trouble I can see with premium only, is that the classifieds will halve in the number of items offered which is a major downside for all members really.
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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I think it's a bad idea restricting it.
As said, Dave A was premium,
We need some sort of feedback system in order. it works well enough on Migweb.
The unfortunate thing is that no matter what you do there is always going to be a way around it,
If muppets don't ask for the correct details, and give money to morons, then they'll always want to point the finger elsewhere.
I always air caution when buying/selling on forums, and have only been bumped off once, but I had enough details to follow it through and I got my money back..
Landline number (Call it before sending money)
Postal address
And an ISP e-mail address (No hotmail/gmail etc)
Anybody not forthcoming with this information isn;t worth dealing with.
It's like any other problem, education is the key,
do speed cameras stop speeding? no
will restricting sales stop scammers? no
Registered: 29th Jan 09
Location: wakefield
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wont make any difference if you are doing it to avoid scammers
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
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quote: Originally posted by jacko198
Right, here is my idea again.
On forums i am/have been a mod on, we do the following: -
You can set up youre own "store" (basically you get 1 thread just for you)
To set up a store, simply contact a mod and give them all youre details. And they will set up a store jacko198's store
No details = no store
You must have ____ posts and have been a member for _____ long.
All items must have a picture (maybe even tagged pictures)
And all stores must have there terms and conditions posted 1st thing, e.g no offers, will not post, etc etc etc
Simply, the mod will create a thread, you post up youre items and then the mod will delete there original post, leaving youre post with the items at the top of the page allowing you to edit the title and do whatever you like!
We also had a template such as
Thats my idea, hope it made sense! 
[Edited on 29-04-2009 by jacko198]
+ What johnhara1 said.
Like ebay do, a mod sends out a password to the persons adress, then when they have u2u'd the password back, you know its there address!
Registered: 2nd Feb 03
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A quick thing to implement maybe a restriction involving the number of posts you have made. ie you need a minimum of 100 posts or somthing.
that way they will be regularish users and it would be too much effort for some scammers to bother with
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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As a non preem, i think the idea of being preem only is good.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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on uk mkivs its 50 posts to even veiw the classifieds and 100 to sell, and you get wrong for spamming.....imo this too is easy to get around, i would limit all sales to ebay (linked) buy it now auctions, then its on ebays head tbh
[Edited on 30-04-2009 by john-d]
Registered: 27th Jul 08
Location: South Ayrshire Drives: Corsa Sport
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but ebay charges for selling stuff so thats a bit gay, hence why most people sell on here
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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true but it would take the hastle of ians shoulders, it would basicly be a ebay adversing thread as there already is.
Registered: 27th Jul 08
Location: South Ayrshire Drives: Corsa Sport
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i wouldnt like that, tbh i wouldnt sell on ebay, i think its worse than here
Registered: 29th Nov 07
Location: Liverpool
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restrict it for premium, passionford works that way and its bob on.
Registered: 31st May 02
Location: L'pool,drives ESCORT COSSIE,EVO 9 GT, BMW 525D MSP
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Premium members and a feedback system.
Alot of people buy from me on Migweb because they see my good feedback.
If negative feedback is left they should state why and the other party should be able to state their case tho, otherwise you'll get nob's leaving neg feedback for stupid reasons!!!
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[Edited on 30-04-2009 by TurboChris]
Registered: 30th Aug 08
Location: cleethorpes dn35
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feedback system sounds like a good idea i dont personally sell much on here but i do buy quite a bit off here!
i have had a few problems with sellers on here all of which(except one) have been sorted in the end but i have never been messed about by non prem only prem members so it works all ways really but a feedback system is the way forwad i think
maybe so many posts till ppl can list ??
[Edited on 01-05-2009 by grez12]
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Do the sites that use a feedback or prem system have close to the same member numbers as here?
Scammers will always be attracted to a bigger site with more targets, especially one with seemingly over it's fair share of members lacking any sense at all.
Premium Member
Registered: 24th Nov 07
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any conclusion / direction yet ian?
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
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Would be good to know how many premium members there actually are
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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I think feedback system, and a better disclaimer to cover yourself (admin and mod team) And let the idots deal with it themselves.
As I said, it's education. they need to learn.
Registered: 8th Aug 07
Location: Scottish Borders
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Personally i think we should have a trader rating thing which i guess could be a trial run to see how well it works