Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » C20LET Corsa - Testing the water

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Author C20LET Corsa - Testing the water

Registered: 10th Dec 08
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
18th Jun 09 at 07:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ok then, so i have started a let project in my corsa. The engine will be going in this weekend. All it needs is a downpipe and some boostpipes. Engine has just had full gasket set, new water and oil pumps and a new cambelt kit. I am selling the car as a virtually finished project due to running out of money and ive found the car i really want now so this has to go im afraid.

Its originally a 97 (R) corsa 1.4 sport. Been fitted with an xe previously and now will have c20let in it on an f20 box. Been stripped out and is now just fitted with 2 calibra leather front seats and 4point harnesses but will come with full interior (apart from sport seats). MOT is until nov or dec cant quite remeber without digging out the paperwork. Tax until end of june. Fitted with GSi bodykit. Spax RSX coilovers and astra wheels on lower profile tyres to prevent scrubbing.

As i said its going as an unfinished project so will have to be towed/trailored away. Literally all it will need to be completed is boostpipes and a downpipe. But i am completely skint now and i need to get a car that works.

Will take £3k for it which is pretty cheap imo as running ones go for around 4k, and all this needs is £200's worth of pipework.

Pics below are ones i have of either with the xe in or no engine at all seeing as theres nothing in it untill weekend.

Car is located in M34 postcode in Manchester

Pm/u2u me on here if your interested


P.S - I will give it a wash before it goes lol, Didn't realise how dirty it was until i looked at those pics

[Edited on 18-06-2009 by AshGSi]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » C20LET Corsa - Testing the water 25 database queries in 0.0136020 seconds