Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Escort RS Turbo 2.0 ZVH 90 Spec T&T £1300 ***reduced for quick sale***

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Author Escort RS Turbo 2.0 ZVH 90 Spec T&T £1300 ***reduced for quick sale***

Registered: 30th Sep 06
Location: West Midlands
User status: Offline
22nd Jun 09 at 00:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ill start off by telling you the car has developed a problem so you can choose whether to continue reading this advert. It came out of the garage a few days ago after having a recon turbo and few other bits and bobs. Was running like a dream until yesterday when it developed a rattle/knocking noise. I drove it to my garage and they road tested it and think its likely to be clutch related however they could not be 100% sure without taking the box off. I dont have the time to sort this at the moment so I'm going to list it for sale in the hope someone with a bit of time and knowledge on these cars can give it a new home. What I will say is the car starts and drives, all gears select fine and there is no drop in the performance. I would not recommend its driven though in case its making things worse but Id be happy to start the engine etc should you want to listen to it before you buy it.

1988 Ford Escort S2 RS Turbo 90 spec
2.0 ZVH converted (around 10k miles im told by previous owner)
CAT 1 alarm and Immobiliser
MOT - OCT 09
TAX - OCT 09

Engine Mods

2.0 ZVH bottom end CVH top end
Low comp pistons
Ecu Chipped (unsure which one but its running 15psi so must be chipped im told)
Some samco hosing
K&N filter
Collins actuator
Recon T3 turbo
Piper 285 cam (receipt in folder)
Mongoose stainless system with 4" rolled out tail pipe
Helix paddle clutch


Standard recaro in excellent condition
Boost guage in dash (standard I think on 90 specs??)


Full respray (locks flushed out)
Standard 90 spec exterior
GAS shocks (cost around £450 im told!)
Uprated brakes
waxioiled underneath


I have been into my FORDS for sometime. I viewed many RS Turbo before selecting this one. The exterior is in excellent condition. There is a scab on the bonnet and some around the sunroof but the arches appear all solid, battery tray and the scuttly panel looks brand new. I dont want to break this car so I'm hoping as stated someone can take good care of it and sort the rattle out. It polishes up beautiffully. The only other thing is the roof lining is missing. I bought it this way and hasn't really bothered me although I have kept my eye out for a replacement. The interior is standard as stated and in superb condition.

If you would like pictures pls PM me you e-mail addy but I will try and upload some soon.


£1300 no offers

[Edited on 22-06-2009 by mark106mark]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Escort RS Turbo 2.0 ZVH 90 Spec T&T £1300 ***reduced for quick sale*** 25 database queries in 0.0145631 seconds