spat vxr
Registered: 20th Nov 06
Location: Nottingham
User status: Offline
iv fitted a c20xe into my corsa 1.4 16v v reg sport and come to run it can not get it to start got no power to the coil and no engine managment light please can some tell me exactly wat wires join to where pics would be great, also my car had power steering on it im keeping the power steering iv had the gear linkage extended 10mm and i am unable to get first fith reverse or third the linkage is hitting my steering rack wat eles do i need to do please help thanks
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Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Taif, Saudi Arabia
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Read the tutorial. It has been done before.
I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.
Registered: 5th Apr 09
Location: northampton
User status: Offline
go to this site everyfing u will need to kno