Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Luton, Drives Corsa C 1.4 SRI
User status: Offline
OK, first of all apologies to those of you who have answered this question millions of times, but I've searched through all the threads and can't find what I'm looking for, so here goes......
I have a Pioneer DEH-6400R head unit that I wanna put into my corsa, I took the standard unit out last night (CDR 2005) to discover to my delight that the connectors on the car are standard ISO and so plugged in my Pioneer, only to find that it doesn't fit cos of the connectors on the car are designed to fit snuggly onto the original stereo and does not allow for the connectors on my pioneer!!
I am aware that you can get a harness adapter but that would seem to create the same problem, so do I have to remove anything else as I'm trying to be as warranty friendly as possible!! (BTW I am aware that I will need to get a fascia adapter, but that still won't solve this problem!)
I leave it open to you guys!!
Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
User status: Offline
it does allow da cage out and hide the wires behind it. i have the same system and same car and same problem!! u will also need a aerial adaptor as well...
Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
User status: Offline
ive added u to msn
Registered: 29th Aug 02
User status: Offline
yeah - U can unscrew the cage there is a screw at the back of the gap that the cd2005 left.. take it out then take the cage out - there ya have it, u can now connect with ease! Aerial and all!!