Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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Well, i've found out what I need to get my xbox on my PC screen.
I just went out and bought Forza 3, and getting the cables I need tonight (have been set aside).
So, apart from bunging in a Cat5 into my router, is there anything else i'll need to whoop everyone elses asses when playing the game online (once i've re-aquainted myself with the art of playing computer games that is )...
Bearing in mind all i've ever done it hook it to my TV, and play it....
Oh, reminds me, batteries for handset........
Registered: 7th Jun 06
Location: Yate, Bristol
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Have you got a live gold subscription?
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
eh???? Uh??? (goes to google...)
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
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once you go online you will need a credit card to subscribe to Xbox Live.
[Edited on 02-11-2009 by johnhara1]
Registered: 7th Jun 06
Location: Yate, Bristol
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Daimo - Click
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Righty, I just created my Xbox account 
So I need to fork out another £27 to just play you lot online.....?
That sucks ass!
Sorry, just new to all this modern online gaming technology lark..
[Edited on 02-11-2009 by VXR]
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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oh this is going to be brilliant 
Watching Daimo fail miserably.
Biggest 'noob' mistake in the world is believing they're great, and then going online and getting their arse kicked by everyone 
Daimo, you may want to invest in some rechargable battery packs too - and a xbox mic / headset (if you don't have one already).
Warning though, online racers are pretty handy when it comes to these games (i.e. they do lap after lap practicing for ages, and fine tuning the cars)... well at least that was what it was like in Forza 2.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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Daimo my gamer tag is
Paul J 85
^^ add me when you get xbox live.
Registered: 8th Jul 09
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Getting xbox live gold for 12 months for £27 is good.
I normally pay £40. 
Might go the Ebay way next time!
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
im old skool, I was epic at the older GTourismo's, no-one ever beat me, but I feel times have moved on and my ass will be handed to me on a plate...
tbh, with that Forza 2, I had to leave ABS on as I couldn't stop locking the wheels. TCS was for wimps though 
I got the standard headphone/mic thing, will that do? I really don't do talking to people online though, im not at that geek stage yet Im a typer... 
So I can't actually play the game online yet until I subscribe to this "gold package" thing?
All i've done so far is create the account (DaimoB) online and chosen my gay little picture 
Sorry, as you can tell, im old, us oldies need to play catchup...
Registered: 21st Oct 09
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if its a brand new xbox live account you will get a month free so dont need to pay for it straight away
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
I don't think it is. I've had the account for ages but never actually used it (probably setup when I got it for xmas a few years back, but never used, so im guessing its at point of creation). I only think this cos when i went to create an account using my email addy, it told me I already had one setup I just remembered the password.
Meh, i'll just have to play the game for a few weeks, get some skills back and then sign up online after that.
I already fork out £36 every 3 months for another game, so I think thats gotta go now if I get on with this xbox lark again.
[Edited on 02-11-2009 by VXR]
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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Daimo if you've got your xbox box, it should be a card in there which you can scratch off to get the 1 month free membership i think...
Forza 3 is still like that with the brakes, its so shit without abs on. Yes standard xbox mic is fine. There is no keyboard, and if you're in a lobby it's hard to tell people to do shit without speaking.
My point about online play was, that obviously everyone can beat the computer with ease (so feel good), then play against mates split screen and kick their arses.
But then you go online and the playing field shifts up a gear. Although since it's early days of forza 3 it may still be quite easy, but I remember going online with forza 2 and everyone had cars tailored to each class for each track! was rediculous...
I've only just started forza 3, I'm level 4
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Thats what I was getting to the stage of after a few weeks on F2. Tailouring cars to specific tracks, gear ratios, ride heights, suspension rebound, doing lap after lap after lap getting an extra tenth or two from each setting....
Sounds like i'll like this new one then
Got no doubt i'll have my ass handed too me though.
Still got the box in the loft yeah so i'll go up and see if I can find this card or info pack. It should all be in the box still tbh.
But still, i'd best get the thing working on my PC monitor first, then play it, THEN decide if im any good or good enough to go online 
I'll aim for your 2.09 at Silverstone with a standard RS as a standard 
[Edited on 02-11-2009 by VXR]
Registered: 21st Oct 09
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quote: Originally posted by VXR
standard RS as a standard
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
as in set standard time...
With standard RS car...
Premium Member
Registered: 16th Dec 02
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You actually get a months gold membership for free if you sign up on your xbox. I did this a few times over until I reached the max.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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2.08.6 I think you'll find 
it's in the pack with the xbox manual (the free month)
Registered: 9th Apr 04
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Even without the card, each Xbox comes with a free month with the first 3 Gamertags you create with the Xbox.
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
2.08.6 I think you'll find 
it's in the pack with the xbox manual (the free month)
Just got a 2.10.035 on 5th lap, but kept loosing and gaining ground on the ghost car, so more to come 
Damien is all xboxed up baby!!!!
Let me get some more practice in, want to play the actual game for a while, re-learn how to not jsut slam it into a corner but progress it in, and i'll be there 
Few more days, and i'll find the free code and come and play online with you all, see if i get on with it.
And I need a switch box so I don't ahve to keep swapping the VGA cable over.
Have to say though, i am a little dissapointed with the graphics still. Its "ok" but not what i'd call "another level" of graphics like I was expecting.