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Author V6 red GSi corsa on the A2 tonight
Half Pint

Registered: 25th Mar 02
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18th Jan 10 at 11:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Sorry for the trouser ruffle call ....
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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18th Jan 10 at 12:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by whitter45
I would probably say the VXR is a quick car - I mean 14 secs to 100 is quick in any standards but not FAST compared to much more powerful or speed focused cars

And can you compare a VXR to a road bike in terms of performance. However your comparing your car to others that cost 3/4/5 times as much.

Our VXR is a quick car but its certainly not FAST. and the BMW is a quick car too but not FAST

[Edited on 18-01-2010 by whitter45]

As i've already said, its a matter of opinion what fast is. I don't think the astras fast. It doesn't pin you into your seat.

Bikes Vs car is comparing something thats properly fast, and something that isn't.

An Atom costs about £30-£35k. And you can buy a tuned Skyline/Supra for £20k which would nearly stick with a bike, hence in the fast category. Just becuase its new and cost £20k, doesn't means its a fast car. As i say, depends on what you personally think is a fast car really, my expectations are obviously higher than yours and Ollys.

Tony, no probs man, although we were chuckling away as we were shouting down the phone on loudspeaker ha ha.

Flaming - Epic mum. My mother drives like an old biddy, does my head in watching everyone else go past. Bad engouh being in the passanger seat. Its not often anymore thankfully.

[Edited on 18-01-2010 by VXR]

Registered: 24th Mar 07
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18th Jan 10 at 13:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Adam_B
Originally posted by Tiger
The Normally Aspirated BMW 330Ci is over 200kgs heavier and as quick to 60 with less BHP.

RWD ftw there.

On the move, a astra vxr is miles faster than a 330, in my experience of the street racing world

Registered: 15th Nov 02
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18th Jan 10 at 13:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by whitter45
I would probably say the VXR is a quick car - I mean 14 secs to 100 is quick in any standards but not FAST compared to much more powerful or speed focused cars

And can you compare a VXR to a road bike in terms of performance. However your comparing your car to others that cost 3/4/5 times as much.

Our VXR is a quick car but its certainly not FAST. and the BMW is a quick car too but not FAST

[Edited on 18-01-2010 by whitter45]

As i've already said, its a matter of opinion what fast is. I don't think the astras fast. It doesn't pin you into your seat.

Bikes Vs car is comparing something thats properly fast, and something that isn't.

An Atom costs about £30-£35k. And you can buy a tuned Skyline/Supra for £20k which would nearly stick with a bike, hence in the fast category. Just becuase its new and cost £20k, doesn't means its a fast car. As i say, depends on what you personally think is a fast car really, my expectations are obviously higher than yours and Ollys.

Tony, no probs man, although we were chuckling away as we were shouting down the phone on loudspeaker ha ha.

Flaming - Epic mum. My mother drives like an old biddy, does my head in watching everyone else go past. Bad engouh being in the passanger seat. Its not often anymore thankfully.

[Edited on 18-01-2010 by VXR]

When did I say the VXR was fast - I said it was quick not fast

Your have proved so many times you get caught up with power figures etc - example when the Megane 250 came out - you stated that 250 BHp from a 2.0 engine is below par - yet it still achieves 6 second to 60 etc etc

You cant comapre a 20k VXR to a bike

Its needs to be like for like - yes a bike is fast but its not the benchmark to determine how fast a car is. You cant chnage the riules of physics ie weight power etc

So to summarise the VXR is a quick car IMO but is not a fast car as I would determine a fast car

To many people feel they have to defend their car choice on here

if you like the VXR and it suits your needs etc and your feel its quick enough for you then who is to say anything else


Registered: 24th Mar 07
Location: Ilkeston
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18th Jan 10 at 14:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Nice to drive though
Half Pint

Registered: 25th Mar 02
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18th Jan 10 at 14:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i was seriouslyhung over cleaning up from the random party we had......

in a world of my own!


Registered: 22nd Apr 03
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18th Jan 10 at 14:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Flaming - Epic mum. My mother drives like an old biddy, does my head in watching everyone else go past. Bad engouh being in the passanger seat. Its not often anymore thankfully.

[Edited on 18-01-2010 by VXR]

we have a track day booked this saturday at olton park, brother is taking his clio 172! and i am taking the van!

be interesting to c how they compare, van will easily beat it in straight line but with cheapo coilovers and pretty much standard gsi turbo brakes, compared with clio with uprated brakes and gaz coilovers it will kill me on braking and corners!

we are making mum come along and she is not looking forward to being a passenger! hehehe
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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18th Jan 10 at 15:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by whitter45

When did I say the VXR was fast - I said it was quick not fast

Your have proved so many times you get caught up with power figures etc - example when the Megane 250 came out - you stated that 250 BHp from a 2.0 engine is below par - yet it still achieves 6 second to 60 etc etc

You cant comapre a 20k VXR to a bike

Its needs to be like for like - yes a bike is fast but its not the benchmark to determine how fast a car is. You cant chnage the riules of physics ie weight power etc

So to summarise the VXR is a quick car IMO but is not a fast car as I would determine a fast car

To many people feel they have to defend their car choice on here

if you like the VXR and it suits your needs etc and your feel its quick enough for you then who is to say anything else

Dude, pill of chill.

You think its fast, I don't, end of story, Whats with the debate about it???

I can use whatever benchmark I like. A sport bike is fast, and some cars can match bikes, many are a little slower, these are fast/quick (its the same bloody thing ffs ). This is an example of a fast machine. There are cars that can do a sub 10 100. These are fast/quick cars.

Funnily, enough, I can't see anything about power figures other than when asked what power our standard astra was running. However if you wish to start a debate about that, sure, fire away.

And the 250bhp arguement was purley about power figures compared to other 2.0 16v turbo engines of this current era. That was it.

Im not defending the astra at all, your the one doing that Im saying its not a quick/fast car. Its averagly nippy. Something like say a 1.6 astra is DOG slow.

I note you ignored the part about a 2nd hand 20k skyline/supra which would wipe the floor of the astra which i would consider quick.

Maybe you just haven't experienced a proper cars performance. Astra vxr's aint all that quick at all. Compare it to say an FQ400 which also runs a 2.0 16v engine, its lame.

I like Donnas astra, its a nice car, suspensions a little stiff, and its lardy, but it handles well, and accelerates ok, but its is NOT fast/quick.

Nice input towards the actual start of the post though and what the actual post was about......

[Edited on 18-01-2010 by VXR]

Registered: 30th Apr 02
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18th Jan 10 at 16:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Was talkin to my mates about this kinda thing the other day.

I used to think my 1.6 corsa was rapid, then my mapped golf turbo when I got it then my brother mapped his leon cupra k1 and its quick at 310 bhp but I still wouldn't say its fast.

Registered: 1st Jun 08
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18th Jan 10 at 16:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Nic's corsa is definatley fast

Registered: 15th Nov 02
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18th Jan 10 at 16:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by whitter45

When did I say the VXR was fast - I said it was quick not fast

Your have proved so many times you get caught up with power figures etc - example when the Megane 250 came out - you stated that 250 BHp from a 2.0 engine is below par - yet it still achieves 6 second to 60 etc etc

You cant comapre a 20k VXR to a bike

Its needs to be like for like - yes a bike is fast but its not the benchmark to determine how fast a car is. You cant chnage the riules of physics ie weight power etc

So to summarise the VXR is a quick car IMO but is not a fast car as I would determine a fast car

To many people feel they have to defend their car choice on here

if you like the VXR and it suits your needs etc and your feel its quick enough for you then who is to say anything else

Dude, pill of chill.

You think its fast, I don't, end of story, Whats with the debate about it???

I can use whatever benchmark I like. A sport bike is fast, and some cars can match bikes, many are a little slower, these are fast/quick (its the same bloody thing ffs ). This is an example of a fast machine. There are cars that can do a sub 10 100. These are fast/quick cars.

Funnily, enough, I can't see anything about power figures other than when asked what power our standard astra was running. However if you wish to start a debate about that, sure, fire away.

And the 250bhp arguement was purley about power figures compared to other 2.0 16v turbo engines of this current era. That was it.

Im not defending the astra at all, your the one doing that Im saying its not a quick/fast car. Its averagly nippy. Something like say a 1.6 astra is DOG slow.

I note you ignored the part about a 2nd hand 20k skyline/supra which would wipe the floor of the astra which i would consider quick.

Maybe you just haven't experienced a proper cars performance. Astra vxr's aint all that quick at all. Compare it to say an FQ400 which also runs a 2.0 16v engine, its lame.

I like Donnas astra, its a nice car, suspensions a little stiff, and its lardy, but it handles well, and accelerates ok, but its is NOT fast/quick.

Nice input towards the actual start of the post though and what the actual post was about......

[Edited on 18-01-2010 by VXR]

how do you know what experience I have had on cars

As you stated this thread has gone way off target as do most threads when you start to get involved

At this point I will let it get back on course
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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18th Jan 10 at 16:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by whitter45

how do you know what experience I have had on cars

As you stated this thread has gone way off target as do most threads when you start to get involved

At this point I will let it get back on course

I created the thread in the first place. You got involved in MY post

And I don't, and i don't care.

Not really on the ball today are you.

Ignoring the relevent points and coming back with something unrelated. whats your name? Vibrio? Get back to leaving your front door open

[Edited on 18-01-2010 by VXR]

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