Registered: 3rd Feb 09
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anyone in south yorkshire who can depo my valeo head lights as i dont have a clue how to and dont fancey melting my lights . if so how much, i have the paint my self
Registered: 3rd Feb 09
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il sell u a set ov valeos already done £38 cheerrs
Ste L
Registered: 3rd Jul 06
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not with "USER UNDER INVESTIGATION - DO NOT TRADE" under your name
Registered: 14th Jan 10
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and plus redtoplad1 doesnt have any because he was just asking me through u2u how i done mine because he wants to do a set
[Edited on 08-04-2010 by grubz172]
Registered: 3rd Feb 09
Location: rotherham
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ive just bought a set of valeos 2 get done
Registered: 29th Sep 09
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av never seen these.any chance of a few pics guys??
Registered: 5th Oct 08
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yeah veleos i ment to be hard to split :S
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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how can you 'depo' a set of valeos?
depo and valeo are the names on the front of the headlight.
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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yeah as above. They are 2 companies that make head lights. Depo stil sell corsa b headlights in motor factors.
Registered: 14th Jan 10
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yes depo are just aftermarket headlights, depo doesnt mean smoked, you can get smoked depos because they are alot easier to split but there just valeos with a different name stamped on them with weaker glue really
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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no depo make headlights. Valeo make headlights. Different companies.
Registered: 14th Jan 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Vehicles
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as i just said tbh ( 'depos are aftermarket headlights') just that theres hardly any difference
[Edited on 09-04-2010 by grubz172]
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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oh i thought you were saying smoked depo were just valeo when they are not. My bad.
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quote: Originally posted by Redtoplad1
il sell u a set ov valeos already done £38 cheerrs
Stop lying
quote: Originally posted by Redtoplad1
right tried few options on getting glass off these valeos, still no luck any other ways ?
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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Registered: 16th Feb 09
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quote: Originally posted by grubz172
yes depo are just aftermarket headlights, depo doesnt mean smoked, you can get smoked depos because they are alot easier to split but there just valeos with a different name stamped on them with weaker glue really
depos arent valeos. both are completely different.
depos are stuck together with pritt stick, along with a few metal clips hence why they are easy.
depos and lucas both can be split, but are different companies.
valeo, the same but are harder to split.
Registered: 14th Jan 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Vehicles
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as i said in that post 'weaker glue' 'aftermarket' just look the same why would you quote what i put and explain the exacy thing i put ,
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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you basically said depos are valeos but with weaker glue which is false.
i explained with a little more detail.
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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yeah i thought thats what he was trying to say hence i mentioned it also. You said smoked depos are valeo in a reply above. Hence the confusion.
Registered: 14th Jan 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Vehicles
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no i said depos are not neccarily smoked, they are just the same as valeos in LOOKS valeos are obviously made by valeo and depos are obviosly made by depo... lets not state the obvious, was jus saying the they are basically the same lights in none smoked form just that depos have weaker glue hence why they are more commonly smoked, why is that false, just for the record i have some depos on my car now which i smoked myself and also split valeos and smoke them so do no theres hardly any difference apart from the NAME and the GLUE, that will be all 
[Edited on 09-04-2010 by grubz172]
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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quote: Originally posted by grubz172
you can get smoked depos because they are alot easier to split but there just valeos with a different name stamped on them with weaker glue really
thats what caused the confusion. as they are not just valeo's with a different name stamped on them.
also, depo actually sold corsa b smoked headlights a while ago. they dont anymore.
Registered: 14th Jan 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Vehicles
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yes but they are no different at all aprt from name and glue thats what im getting at, they are clearly made by two different companys which is obvious , i may have worded what you quoted wrong , they are just LIKE valeos with weaker glue and a different name on them, that better nicolas
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
User status: Offline
i understand what you meant now so its no drama. they are both just non original replacement headlights. the depo made ones are easier to split to be homebrew smoked.
its all good.