Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
User status: Offline
Basically im having problems on my laptop accessing websites and seeing pictures when i use firefox as a web browser. It never used to be a problem but over the last couple of days ive been unable to view some pics and when i type a web address into the address bar it just comes up with "myfastsearch.co.uk" or something like that and says the website doesnt exist when i know it does as it does it to ebay, corsasport, google, etc. Ive not changed any of the settings and since firefox last updated about a week ago ive not had problems until a couple of days ago. Anyone know what the problem could be and how to fix it? I use firefox as internet explorer was giving me problems with dodgy pop ups with virus's so i havent used it in about a year and a half.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
You've got a virus/spyware. Delete it using a virus scanner and stop looking on dodgy porno sites.
Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
User status: Offline
Fudge sake ive got like 3 firewalls, 3 virus checkers, 2 spyware and adware checkers and one that does all of the above and it still got through! I run the same setup as most business's and schools as i get the programs on the cheap Ill have to do another scan later and get it all cleaned up. the thing is i dont go on any websites that are dodgy. I go on corsasport, ebay, facebook and hotmail so its not like im going on anything i dont know and when i do google searches i only go on websites Norton says are ok.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
I don't know of many businesses who need 3 firewalls, 3 virus checkers and two spyware checkers 
Plus you can have all the protection in the world, but that doesn't stop you looking on dodgy porno sites 
[Edited on 15-04-2010 by ed]
Registered: 6th Apr 08
Location: Elworth, Cheshire
User status: Offline
Noooo i meant they use 1 or 2 i use all of them together Some cancel others out but some cover other things that others dont so ive got them set up to just cover everything.
i dont need porno sites