Registered: 14th May 09
Location: flintshire
User status: Offline
just converting my 1.2 16v to 1.4 16v sport and hit a brick wall with the wiring
srtuggling to get the old 1.2 loom out as its alll tangled and taped up
2 working out whats what on the 1.4 sport and where in plugs in
goin crazy now if any 1 could help would be amazing if local possibly pop down ch5( near chester) or ring me 07540618535 as i will be outside trying to work something out cheer kyle.
Registered: 11th Sep 07
Location: Aberdeenshire
User status: Offline
That's a change the loom job, you can't really join them. Took me weeks to get it right
Registered: 2nd Nov 06
Location: Berkshire
User status: Offline
IIRC these have 2 looms, they need to stay in the car really and you need to add the other loom in, you could take it all out like Ellis said but i wouldnt bother as they are a right PITA to get out, your gonna need some wiring diagrams and some patience.
Registered: 14th May 09
Location: flintshire
User status: Offline
changed dash loom now an not gettin ignition lights or a spark thinking could possibly be dodgy earth??
Registered: 28th Jan 09
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
Make sure the dash loom you changed it to didnt require the alarm sensor in the light, if it does you will need the rear interior loom aswell