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Author Do you use a mac?

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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30th Jun 10 at 17:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by adiohead
Apple used to rave on about their PowerPC chips and how much faster they were compared to Intel.

then they changed to Intel...

sometimes they are complete dicks

[Edited on 30-06-2010 by adiohead]

IBM PowerPC chips were actually decent and i actually found them pretty fast back in the OS9 days running Protools. Now Macs are just a glorified PC, with the exception of EFI.

In terms of comparison i've found over the last few years (use both Macs and PCs daily) that the performance difference between OSX and Windows is minimal certainly when using apps like Protools (i can generally squeeze a few more RTAS plugins over PC) and Adobe After Effects/Premiere.
And the age old argument that OSX is more stable and less prone to virus/malware is a load of bollocks! With Macs now moved over to the x86 architecture, they are just as likely to get attacked with a virus as a PC. Likewise regarding stability, you can easily 'beach-ball' OSX and cause it to lock up.

Registered: 28th Sep 01
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30th Jun 10 at 17:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've had Safari crash a few times but can't remember the last time OSX crashed.

My iMac is PowerPC G5
and my Macbook Pro is an Intel Penryn

I used to work on the old OS 8 and 9 macs. Early OSX was a nightmare

Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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30th Jun 10 at 17:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

in fairness in the time i've been using a mac... well over a year now i've never experienced virus's or spyware or the annual slow down I would expect with a windows machine. This mac gets used day in day out with no maintenance, no nothing and it never skips a beat. With my equivalent windows machine it would be time to think about defrag's and reinstalls etc. I'm not trying to be a fanboy but just saying how it is from my personal experience.

I don't use safari as I think it's bollocks tbh, much prefer firefox

[Edited on 30-06-2010 by AlunJ]

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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30th Jun 10 at 17:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by adiohead
I've had Safari crash a few times but can't remember the last time OSX crashed.

My iMac is PowerPC G5
and my Macbook Pro is an Intel Penryn

I used to work on the old OS 8 and 9 macs. Early OSX was a nightmare

Cheetah and Puma were shit to put it frankly!
OS9 was ace though, used to run it on a dual 1.25GHz G4 mirror maxed out with 1.5GB of ram, the thing used to fly back then Can't say i ever had problems with OS9, had the odd lock but nothing major.

Snow Lepoard (Mac Pro) will usually beach-ball if i'm working with HD material in Premiere/AE or bouncing tracks in Protools. Most of time it beach-balls for a few seconds or minutes, but have had a few that has required me to reboot the mac.

AlunJ - I've never had issues with 7, no slow downs on my current year old install, no virus's or malware and maintenance it does itself, just like OSX does.
I think 7 is probably one of the best OS Microsoft has released, similarly 10.6 is probably one of the best Apple has released.

One thing Microsoft is good at is releasing quick security fixes, Apple is pretty slow compared and you usually get it as a mass update (symantec do a yearly report on how quick manufactures patch their products). And the whole 'OSX is more secure than Windows' is a complete myth as well, with people at DEF CON usually finding holes in OSX quicker than any unix/windows based system.
This isn't a dig at OSX; i think it's a brilliant OS! I just don't see it as the hole grail that people make it out to be (likewise with the iPhone), it has it's fair share of faults and issues just like any other system.

[Edited on 30-06-2010 by Dom]

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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1st Jul 10 at 07:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by AlunJ
in fairness in the time i've been using a mac... well over a year now i've never experienced virus's or spyware or the annual slow down I would expect with a windows machine. This mac gets used day in day out with no maintenance, no nothing and it never skips a beat. With my equivalent windows machine it would be time to think about defrag's and reinstalls etc. I'm not trying to be a fanboy but just saying how it is from my personal experience.

Sounds like my Windows PC's.

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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1st Jul 10 at 07:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Defrag's and reinstalls have been a thing of the past since Vista came out.
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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1st Jul 10 at 08:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by adiohead
Apple used to rave on about their PowerPC chips and how much faster they were compared to Intel.

then they changed to Intel...

sometimes they are complete dicks

[Edited on 30-06-2010 by adiohead]

Apple say they moved to Intel because the PPC chips weren't being churned out as quickly as Intel chips apparently.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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1st Jul 10 at 09:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Sam
Originally posted by adiohead
Apple used to rave on about their PowerPC chips and how much faster they were compared to Intel.

then they changed to Intel...

sometimes they are complete dicks

[Edited on 30-06-2010 by adiohead]

Apple say they moved to Intel because the PPC chips weren't being churned out as quickly as Intel chips apparently.

I thought they moved because Apple wanted a 2GHz chip and IBM couldn't get it out in time? Not that it mattered as the PowerPC was keeping up with similar intel/amd chips anyways (not that you can directly comapare the chips).

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