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Author Sky Satallite Geeks

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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   21st Sep 10 at 13:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

We're currently have a new house built and its nearly at the stage where I can run any cables around the house I like.

Ive bought enough Cat5e to wire each of the rooms + TV points etc back to a central location and im trying to think ahead of anything else which might be easier to wire before hand.

I've bought a drum of decent speaker cable and play to lay these before the plasterboard goes up.

I currently have SkyHD but not multiroom and have often thought about this.
Im debating whether to put some time of Coax Junction Box/Distribution board which will then feed out to each room, the sky engineer would then connec the dish to the approperiate JB connection (Lounge TV initially), but I have the connections there incase we upgrade?

Lastly, as im sure I wont sign up for Sky MR to begin with, I was thinking of laying a Coax cable from the Lounge TV wall plate to the Kitchen where I plan to put a TV at the end of the breakfast bar.
Am I right in thinking that I could run an output from the Lounge Sky HD Box to the Kitchen TV and mimic whats being displayed in the lounge? This would be something better than freeview.

If anyoen else has any other thoughts/suggestions of what else could be done, please shout

[Edited on 21-09-2010 by Bart]

Registered: 20th Feb 07
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21st Sep 10 at 13:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah exactly, and you can use standard aeriel cable, parents did it and ran a cable to the loft distribution point and we could tune in channel 6 to the sky feed.

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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21st Sep 10 at 13:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just run shotgun shielded coax to all the rooms you may possibly have multiroom in in the future.

Can use that same cable to send the sky channel round the house until then.

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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21st Sep 10 at 13:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

so the one output from the Sky HD box can be split to as many TV's as I like?

Just thinking about this logically then,

Normal Freeview digital aerial to Distribution box then out to each room (normal setup),
then sky output coax to another distribution box and also out to each room.

The normal freeview coax would connect to freeview box while the sky coax would connect direct to TV?

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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21st Sep 10 at 13:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'd just send it through the same distribution box/cable, that's the way I've got it set up currently.

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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21st Sep 10 at 13:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I as im putting in a patch panel, Ive noticed you can get Coax patch panels which sounds great but I dont think it'll do what I want it to do.

I couldnt link say 5 outgoing cables to the one patch connection could I?

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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21st Sep 10 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
I'd just send it through the same distribution box/cable, that's the way I've got it set up currently.

Can you choose between a freeview box feed and sky feed on the TV?

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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21st Sep 10 at 13:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Freeview box would generally be over scart but if you had it as 'channel 6' for instance, then yes, you could have freeview on 6 and sky on 7.

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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21st Sep 10 at 14:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think I will put in a Coax Patch panel, something along the lines of this:

IVe shown 2 connections between sky box and patch panel as the HD boxes takes 2 feeds.

The only thing im not sure about is the connection between the dish and the patch panel, as the dish wont be installed for sometime, I want an easy way for the sky engineer to connect onto it.

*edit* forgot to mention, I will obviously take an additional feed from each room to the patch panel (in additional to the normal aerial connection that will also be present), but I dont think there will be a way to link each room sky socket to the 1 connection back from the sky box will there?

[Edited on 21-09-2010 by Bart]

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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21st Sep 10 at 15:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Best bet would be to run PF100/WF100 from rooms (maybe double runs in bedrooms or anywhere you might have Sky+ etc) to a central location (probably with the rest of your network gear). I would also run at least four runs from the satellite location (keep it equal length) as if you need more than four feeds (colour code/number them, saves you headaches) you can fit a quattro LNB and use a multiswitch for distribution. And obviously do a few runs from your aerial location (TV aerial and FM/DAB) to the central location and terminate everything with F-Connectors (far superior connector than RF).
Then get a suitable distributor (mix TV, SAT and FM/DAB) and use triplex sockets where needed.

I wouldn't worry about a patch panel, if everything is terminated with f-connectors then you can just use a couplers - just make sure each run is labelled correctly.

And if the feed from the Sky box is only single RF channel (ie: just carries what you’re watching and no other channels) then you can combine that with the TV aerial feed before you hit the distributor. Just set the RF channel output from the box far away from the other channels that it won't interfere (usually you can adjust it in the engineer menus)
I've got a similar setup here with cable and it means that all the TV’s in the house receive analogue channels 1-5 + the cable output and freeview.

Some decent sites worth reading -

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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21st Sep 10 at 15:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thanks for your input Dom.
What sort of distributor would you suggest?

When you say "(mix TV, SAT and FM/DAB)", do you mean the distributor will take all 3 types in?

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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21st Sep 10 at 15:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

im still tempted to get the F Connector patch panel, it just means there wont be any birds nests in the patch cabinet.

ive revised the drawing, I think this should work without too much hassle;

That way, ive only got to ask the electrical contractor to run Coax between each room and the location of the network cabinet (in addition to their normal wiring).

If I ever decided to swap over to multiroom, it'll just be a case of patching in which room for the Sky feeds.

note, by only patching in a single coax to each room, I only intend to use a single sky feed for future, not sky+.

*edit* is a better patch panel I think.

[Edited on 21-09-2010 by Bart]

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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21st Sep 10 at 20:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Bart
Thanks for your input Dom.
What sort of distributor would you suggest?

When you say "(mix TV, SAT and FM/DAB)", do you mean the distributor will take all 3 types in?

Would look at Triax gear, it's reasonably priced and solid. Something like a DDU112 might be ok.
And yeah, a distrubutor/LoftBox will usually combine multiple sources but you'll need diplex or triplex sockets on the outputs (split the signal again).

Another site worth looking at -

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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21st Sep 10 at 21:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cheers Dom.
I think im going to keep it simple and go down the route of the

The electrical company can run the normal coax install and i'll run seperate coax back to my patch panel where i'll house the said distributor (DDU112 maybe).

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