Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
User status: Offline
When in a race, next to the current lap times sometimes a exclamation mark will come up inisde a triangle. I used to think this used to come on only when u came off the track, but I've noticed it comes on randomly? 
And why when u have it come up that lap wont count if it's your best lap time?
I've looked in the handbook and theres nothing there.
Registered: 11th Aug 06
Location: North Wales Drives: BMW, Corsa & Fiat
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It means you've come off the road at some point during the lap.
Or hit something.
Registered: 30th Apr 08
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If you 'rewind' it'll happen aswell
Registered: 13th Dec 00
Location: Lancashire
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Its basicly like a dirty lap, if you have hit something, had all 4 wheels off the track, used rewind or driven behind someone it will come up, sometimes it also does the next lap as well incase you get an advantage before starting your clean lap.
Its difficult to avoid in full races unless your miles infront or behind.
[Edited on 21-09-2010 by Adam_B]
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
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When drafting it comes on. On the results screen there's 2 half circles to decipher why it came on but theres no explanation of what they mean
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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If you have clean laps its either too easy or youre playing it like a bellend tbh
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
User status: Offline
Ah, that makes sense. But I've noticed even when it's there, sometimes it'll still count as my best lap, and sometimes not. What's all that about?!
Tom G
Registered: 4th Aug 08
Location: Cheshire
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Isn't the half circle for abs or tc, manual/ automatic? Basically just driving aids?
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
User status: Offline
No, next to the current lap times. Not in the taco
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
User status: Offline
He means on the results screen after the race when you can view leaderboards