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Registered: 4th Jun 07
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Trying to install the new EPC, try and run it and it says insert disk.. Then i found this online.
1. We mount the image (Alcohol20%)
2. From the Folder "GMGInfrastructure" we run the GMGInfrastructure.msi and we choose "Standalone"
3. From the Folder "GMEApplication" we run the GMEApplication.msi
4. From the Folder "GMGLocalDB" we run the GMGLocalDB.msi
5. From the Folder "GMERomDB" we run the GMERomDB.msi and we copying the Data Base to our HDD
6. IF we using HDD with letter "C" for the Default installation Folder, WE MUST MAKE A .BAT FILE with this lines:
SET PATH="C:\Program Files\Snap-on Business Solutions\Global EPC\GM\jre1.6.0_02\bin";%PATH%
cd "C:\Program Files\Snap-on Business Solutions\Global EPC\GM\Configurator"
java -jar Configurator.jar
Save with opel.bat name and run it
7. We waiting to finish the "Fixing" and we rebooting the Computer!!!!!
8. Now we run the program from the "GM EPC 4.0" url
Finally we can copy THIS url to the desktop OR the NEW FINAL url that provided from the GM EPC 4.0.....
I got half way through number 5 and got majorly stuck, how do you copy database to HDD?
And then how do you do the rest? 
[Edited on 22-11-2010 by Jakey]
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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google daemon tools (.cc i think the link is)
right click on tray icon, mount > iso location, boom
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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having actually read your post, i dunno what your on about
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
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I can use daemon. Thats how i mounted it and tried to run it but it comes up insert disk and online it tells to do the above.
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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as for number 5, doesnt it copy the database when you run GMERomDB.msi
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
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I don't know what the 'database' is
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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The list of parts i imagine
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Registered: 14th Mar 04
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try combining 5 & 6
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
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Number 6 doesnt make sense to me