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Author what do you all think of astra gsi turbo's??
Adam C
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Registered: 10th Jan 07
Location: Cornwall UK Drives:Arden Blue Gsi T
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27th Jan 11 at 17:50   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Pete_vxl
Jambo does copy and paste that paragraph everywhere but he is correct. Its not a car that somebody who wants to race and be entertained constantly will like, for those random blasts and knowing you have the power to overtake as and when you want its a good car to have.

Spot on tbh, I walk to work in the week so I only tend to use mine once at the weekend and I still really enjoy it.

Im aware they are far from a drivers car but I loved the look of it which is really what sold me the car.

My Arden Blue Astra GSi MK4 on BBS LM's Project Thread
Rob R

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27th Jan 11 at 17:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by corsa120
it should be the integra is probably the best forward wheel drive handling car available so all hot hatches will be comparable in that department.......

end of the day though does it matter if it dont handle that great its not le mans on the road is it and i can tell you its handles a dam sight better than my motorbike but we wont go there lol....

Who mentioned anything about an Integra? I said my in Civic Type R.

If you're one for spirited driving and having a good hoon around every now and again then of course it matters if it don't handle great

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27th Jan 11 at 18:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Drove all around europe in one, was awesome. Big boot, comfy seats and cruised at 90 all day long.

Like you say, very boring though. Not really a hot hatch if you ask me.

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27th Jan 11 at 18:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Rob R
Originally posted by corsa120
it should be the integra is probably the best forward wheel drive handling car available so all hot hatches will be comparable in that department.......

end of the day though does it matter if it dont handle that great its not le mans on the road is it and i can tell you its handles a dam sight better than my motorbike but we wont go there lol....

Who mentioned anything about an Integra? I said my in Civic Type R.

If you're one for spirited driving and having a good hoon around every now and again then of course it matters if it don't handle great

It doesn't as long as it feels fast. Whether the astra does or doesn't is a different matter but actual handling is not equal to fun had.

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27th Jan 11 at 19:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Are you really going to notice the difference on these shitty roads.
Warren G

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27th Jan 11 at 19:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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27th Jan 11 at 20:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Rob R
Mine bored me to death, the most uninvolving drive ever.

Ended up spunking Łk's on regal phase 3.5, uprated disks and pads, suspension to liven it ip and yet it was still bland. Yes it was fast in a straight line but thats where it ended.

I can honestly say my EP3 was head and shoulders above the GSI in every department.

James said yours and his was neck and neck when you had a blast aswell

Looks and cost of tuning are where the Astra GSI T does well... I was thinking about buying one until I drove the civic and then I was sold

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27th Jan 11 at 21:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My Clio is HUGE fun. It's also 6years old and hasn't "fallen apart"
It's not a motorway cruiser like the Astra so I would recommend one on long journeys.

But the car has feedback, it feels like the steering is actually connected to the wheels rather than being in a simulator. It's damping is nothing short of amazing, it absorbs bumps where the Astra bounced and crashed, it stays absolutely planted with little to not torque steer. It can change direction under full acceleration at the drop of a hat. In short it makes you want to push it, it begs you to rev it, it's rewarding and fun.

The Clio is a hoot even if you are just popping to the shops. The Astra was just like playing GT5.

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27th Jan 11 at 21:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its like i said i never bought the car to be this way i have other vehicles to give me FUN!! it seems every car on this website is judged on how it handles regardless to whether it is..........

boot space

oh and the most important one which makes or breaks a car on this forum CAN IT BEAT A 106 GTI ON THE TWISTY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fact is jambo your car is fun no doubt but now go do 3.4k miles round europe in it and come back and say it was anything but fun on the best roads which it would be but for the rest of the time it would be rubbish............

sorry rob thought u was talkin bout integra cos theres a pic in ur avatar of one lol sorry....

but my astra has been used for long distance holidays and mostly for the mrs to ponce about in with her mates and she dont care if it dont go round a corner as quick as a m3 cos if she had a m3 she still only drive at the same level at which she is at haha

you guys just need to get off ya high horse and realise not everyone owns the car for the reasons some would buy say a caterham for instance for....

jambo's old m3 would make a fantastic long trip car perfect for me but now you have to consider the 40-50k more money involved in the list prices lol so i would expect a 40-50k better car so many variants people need to accept we all like different

[Edited on 27-01-2011 by corsa120]

[Edited on 27-01-2011 by corsa120]

[Edited on 27-01-2011 by corsa120]

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27th Jan 11 at 21:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

He asked if they where good, I gave an opinion based on facts and my experiencing owning one. I'm sorry you don't agree.

There are better cars for the money for the money that do the same job. It's not an awful car, but the reason people buy hot hatches would be to have fun, if it's not fun seems rather pointless to me is all

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28th Jan 11 at 15:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

no jambo dont get me wrong i do agree with everything you say, and i agree the coupe is a good buy... but in your own words you just said people buy a hot hatch to be a hot hatch thats not true because i never......

im the first to admit its abit bland on the handling side but i just wanted a nice refined car to get me from a-b with the odd blast here and there........ i have other vehicles which i use for pure fun..........
and i liked the looks alot more so than any other hatch in that period

we i.e me and mrs bought it because it is a good long distance cruiser and is capable of some slight fun but as general rule my mrs drives it and she could not give a monkeys bollock if it dont handle like a megane because that stuff dont bother her so not everyone buys a car for the reasons others do.... thats my argument not whether its a good car or not

[Edited on 28-01-2011 by corsa120]

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28th Jan 11 at 16:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jambo
The Astra was just like playing GT5.

GT5 is sooo crap

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29th Jan 11 at 16:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ive loved every minute of driving mine...

Turbo going at 65k was the only problem i had..

Now for sale

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29th Jan 11 at 16:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i have loved every minute of mine too but now selling it due to moving out otherwise would keep it great car

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