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Author It gets worse.

Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
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6th Apr 03 at 13:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Finally got all my accident damage fixed.
Got the car back on friday.

Whilst the car was in I booked it in for service and MOT. Fair enough, failed MOT but thatsa different story. In the end it just turned out to have had a service and no MOT. Paid £120 for the service, signed to say I was collecting my car and was off to the car park to drive away my beast. The list of problems starts here.

The car was fully unlocked
The alarm wasn't on
The stereofront was still on the car...........wouldnt be bothered about this if the car was next to the body shop or something, but it was miles away from everywhere totally unlocked.
Then went to start the car up, took about 15 seconds to kick up, and then sounded really ruff, stalled 3 time from no error of my own, finally got it to drive about 10m, noticed the engine management light was on.
I stopped and asked one of the guys if they could check the problem, turned out the Exhuast Recirculation Valve had gone and needed replacing, they didnt pick this up on the service, they replaced my exhaust after they serviced the car because it was damaged in the accident they had to wait for the replacement.

If you havent guessed I took the car to Vauxhall.

Discusting service, because of the on going problems with insurance and stuff I had another arguement with the manager, in which he called me a liar and was saying he had recorded our convo's on the phone a shit, basically bang out of order.

Oh feck I go on too much.

Quick question though, if a car is testedfor an MOT and fails, the MOT failure record sheet has to be kept it cannot be destroyed can it?? The bloke at Vauxhall said he destroyed my failure sheet because I complained that they tested the car at a stupid time knowing it would fail.

Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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6th Apr 03 at 13:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
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6th Apr 03 at 13:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sorry I wrote a lot without any point really, got so much sh!t going off with my car at the moment I just needed to get it all off my chest.


The way I have been dealt with has definatly put me off getting the new shape Corsa as planned in August.

Registered: 15th May 02
Location: North West Drives: Rev3 MR2 Turbo
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6th Apr 03 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the failure sheet should NOT be thrown away as they need to use this for the re-test to make sure that everything it has failed on has been repaired/replaced

Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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6th Apr 03 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
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6th Apr 03 at 14:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cheers Kerry.

Yeah I always thought that the MOT failure record had to be kept, even if I dont take it back there for the retest.

I thought all MOT documents were numbered and each had to be accounted for and recorded.

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