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Author PC v xbox360 ?

Registered: 5th Feb 08
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10th May 11 at 13:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have currently been using my netbook for around a year or so now, and i truly miss my old desktop. I am currently in two minds, weather to build a new pc, or just buy a xbox 360 and a new tv...

they both have plus sides, but the xbox is just so much more cheaper!

will i really notice that much difference compared to a pc?
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10th May 11 at 13:30   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Gotta be the 360 and TV!

The best bit about console gaming for me is the fact I can knowingly buy ANY game (for the 360) and stick it in and it'll work straight up. PC's half the time, you have to dick around, it won't work with your graphics card or any other number of similar problems

Lets not forget, if you're a PC gamer then you're a nerd too, no ifs or buts.

[Edited on 10-05-2011 by loafofbrett]

Registered: 14th Mar 04
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10th May 11 at 13:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

do you play fps or flight sims? if so get a pc, if not get an xbox

Registered: 28th Sep 01
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10th May 11 at 13:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ps3, tbh

you get free games when they give away your credit card info

Registered: 5th Feb 08
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10th May 11 at 13:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeh lots off fps, theres loads coming out as well, like brink, BF3 ,R.A.G.E ect

A decent PC will surely set me back aroun 1500?


Registered: 19th Jul 07
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10th May 11 at 13:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've washed my hands of PC gaming tbh, spent more time tweaking the games for more fps or downloading drivers than I did playing the games. my next PC will be a non-gaming laptop.

That said if my PC was guaranteed to work properly and needed no faffing on I wouldn't even consider buying another console. when it works PC gaming is far, far superior to consoles. better graphics, ridiculous variety in games, mouse and keyboard is better than control pads for FPS games, games are cheaper, online is free, dedicated servers, and you can download emulators like MAME to play older arcade and console games.


Registered: 13th Dec 00
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10th May 11 at 14:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

360, the extra cost just doesn't warrant it for me, especially if you have a decent TV already. Xbox live is massive now and the consoles are pretty quiet compared to the old ones. FPS are good on consoles now.

Do miss all the customisation though, all the mods for Half Life and driving a 205 GTi in Vice City

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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10th May 11 at 15:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by MoesTavern
I've washed my hands of PC gaming tbh, spent more time tweaking the games for more fps or downloading drivers than I did playing the games. my next PC will be a non-gaming laptop.

That said if my PC was guaranteed to work properly and needed no faffing on I wouldn't even consider buying another console. when it works PC gaming is far, far superior to consoles. better graphics, ridiculous variety in games, mouse and keyboard is better than control pads for FPS games, games are cheaper, online is free, dedicated servers, and you can download emulators like MAME to play older arcade and console games.


Registered: 12th Jan 07
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10th May 11 at 16:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by MoesTavern
I've washed my hands of PC gaming tbh, spent more time tweaking the games for more fps or downloading drivers than I did playing the games. my next PC will be a non-gaming laptop.

You make it sound like you need to spend hours in the games options to make it work.
I haven't downloaded a driver for months now.
I haven't needed to tweak any settings for fps.

Load game, run game on recommended settings and enjoy.

You just have to do some research in to pc gaming and learn the basics.
Could get a quad core system, ddr3 1333mhz ram, 5600+ series graphics card, would be able to play all the games on medium to high settings for under £250 so isn't major work, just need to know where to look.

Not to mention the cost of games on the console and the horrible lobby online system.

[Edited on 10-05-2011 by Sunz]

Registered: 19th Jul 07
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10th May 11 at 16:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm just going by my past experiences, Like the nightmare I had when I installed F.E.A.R for the first time, or the 2-hour ball-ache I had when I tried to re-install battlefield 2 a couple of months ago, or when I downloaded the shogun 2 demo and it wouldn't launch at all for some reason, or why my list of favorite servers keeps disappearing whenever I load up CS 1.6, or when I tried to play Far Cry and the sky and ocean is pink instead of blue, or etc etc etc

'Install game, load game, run game' has been far from the norm for me.

I'm too old and have too little gaming time to spare to be dealing with this kind of shit anymore.

[Edited on 10-05-2011 by MoesTavern]

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