Registered: 1st Jul 08
User status: Offline
hi trying to find timing marks on bottom pulley as says in haynes but have no mark like in the picture, there are some holes drilled in the side of the pulley though which is different to other pulleys i've noticed no holes in them.
Anyone help with timing without having to take this pulley off and do it from the sproket.
[Edited on 25-06-2011 by danbo]
Registered: 1st Jul 08
User status: Offline
assuming tdc is at very top middle of the 10degree dwell period,
just that there are some painted marks already on but they dont seem to be in the middle of tdc piston seems to be already slightly going back down when these painted marks are lined up so unsure if to use them, they could be marks for anything lol
Registered: 28th Aug 10
User status: Offline
bottom pulley timing mark is recessed triangle on pulley,u will need to remove torx bolt(t 10 i think) and they can be tight!!( if u dont have buzz gun,be cheeky go to local tyre centre with socket and ask them to slacken bolt and nip it back up for short drive home with ratchet/bar etc,much easier to then remove,@ home),to remove poly belt pulley,then u will see marker-some time up to notch in sump and others to mark in plastic caseing,u will need to check-just done 2 engine strips recently and both were to plastic case,even tho my plastic case was destroyed and i had to buy new casing from dealer @ £25,top pulleys time to together(ie opposite) buy cheap lockup tool on ebay makes job easier
Registered: 1st Jul 08
User status: Offline
the head isn't on so no driving lol think i've got it tdc now, will have to make sure is the same when the belt is back on, i may look at getting one of those locking tools for the cam sprockets though or make one some how
Registered: 28th Aug 10
User status: Offline
my m8 has done bodge,by tapping right shape piece of soft wood to jam them up,he was quite pleased with himself,im not sure if i would do the same !!!