Corsa Sport » Message Board » Regional Groups & Events » South West » Weston 20th april 03

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Author Weston 20th april 03

Registered: 12th Sep 02
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15th Apr 03 at 09:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As most of you know every easter sunday theres a big cruise in weston and this year the cops are going to be coming down hard - yet again good old Lawrie Lewis has sent me another email about what there planning to do.

so if any of you peeps are going take a note of this.

Warning to cruisers not to congregate in Avon and Somerset April 2003

The Avon and Somerset Constabulary covers an area that can be broadly recognised as stretching from just North of the M4, West as far as the Severn Bridges, East as far as the City of Bath and then South just beyond the towns of Yeovil and Taunton.

In recent years the area has witnessed a considerable number of unauthorised ‘Cruises’. You may not personally regard what you do as a ‘Cruise’ but the evidence we have amassed is that your intended activity amounts to a ‘Cruise’ by our definition.

In the experience of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary past events of this nature have caused extensive distress, danger and nuisance to the general public and landowners who, because of the activity of ‘Cruisers’, have been prevented from enjoying the common rights of all citizens.

In 2002 the Constabulary demonstrated its willingness to take robust action to counter the socially unacceptable behaviour of ‘Cruisers’. The action we took had a significant impact which was supported by the general public, the Crown Prosecution Service and finally the courts.

In the event of an unauthorised cruise taking place in Avon and Somerset witness statements will be taken from members of the public affected by the assembly and your behaviour. Police officers will also be submitting evidential statements.

A nuisance vehicle database initiated in 2001 and added to in 2002 will be brought back into operation and expanded with details of people attending.

I remind you below of the advice we have consistently put out;

The situation in Avon and Somerset continues to be that we will not encourage, authorise or condone unauthorised cruises (or ‘boy racers’) and we will act in a positive and proactive fashion to prevent them. Action we have taken and will consider taking in the future include:
· Arresting those organising, encouraging others to, or actually taking part in ‘cruises' (or ‘boy racers’) for the offences of causing or conspiracy to cause a public nuisance. This is a serious offence that can bring with it a term of imprisonment.
· Seizing vehicles, mobile phones, computers used for posting messages and other evidence of involvement in such offences using powers such as those provided by the Police & Criminal Evidence Act.
· Upon conviction we may request the court exercise their power to make a forfeiture or destruction order in respect of any evidence we have seized and retained. That places vehicles and any other item we have seized and retained, at risk.

In addition we may make use of the new powers provided by the Police Reform Act where appropriate. Essentially the new powers have both extended the circumstances under which we can take legal action and the nature of that action.

To remind you of the events of the 31st March 2002 in Weston-super-Mare a total of 18 vehicles were seized and retained for up to a month as evidence pending the completion of our investigation. 24 people were arrested. At Magistrates Court fines of £350 were imposed. 14 elected trail at Crown Court and after several months on bail and employing barristers they were all bound over to keep the peace by the Court. (To correct mis-information generated by one magazine they did not ‘cut a deal’ they were offered that route to save a lengthy trial that may have resulted in far more extensive penalties being imposed). One person lost their job as a direct result of the investigation and another person was disciplined.

The nuisance vehicle database will be instrumental in demonstrating that the keeper of a vehicle has received a previous warning and could therefore be liable for arrest and / or seizure of their vehicle. In many circumstances you do not need to have been entered on the database before we are able to take legal action.

If you assemble anywhere in the Avon and Somerset Constabulary area for the purpose of an unauthorized cruise in circumstances that cause or is likely to cause nuisance, danger or disruption to the community then legal action as outlined above may be taken against you.

Lawrie Lewis
Avon and Somerset Constabulary

Registered: 8th May 02
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15th Apr 03 at 10:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

y don't the bacon catch real criminals.

Registered: 23rd Oct 02
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15th Apr 03 at 17:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

when they cud catch ppl like me who havent realised their MOT ran out in november:S

Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: Bristol UK
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15th Apr 03 at 22:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

wot a tit lol
Jason Iles

Registered: 19th Jun 01
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16th Apr 03 at 09:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by CorsaFoz
y don't the bacon catch real criminals.

Cause they can fine people with nice cars and know they will get the money

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