Corsa Sport » Message Board » Off Day » Has anyone got a receipt for a Xbox controller Play & Charge kit (black)?

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Author Has anyone got a receipt for a Xbox controller Play & Charge kit (black)?

Registered: 12th Oct 05
Location: Scotland
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5th Oct 11 at 18:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You dont need a receipt if something is faulty. Same with returning items to shops you can get a refund (usually credit) or replacement. Had people ask for a receipt a few times, and then correct them that you dont need a receipt if the goods are faulty and they exchange / refund no bother

Registered: 4th Mar 08
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5th Oct 11 at 20:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

He's adamant that I do though and sent me an e-mail asking for the receipt in a standard format from MS:

Dear Luke

Thank you for contacting Xbox Customer Support. In an effort to determine the warranty status of your Xbox console or accessory, we need you to provide a copy of the purchase receipt which clearly indicates the date of sale and the name and address of the store from which the console was purchased. You can do this by simply responding to this email with a copy of your receipt attached. Please follow the instructions below:

1. If you have access to a scanner, scan the receipt. You can also use the camera on your mobile phone or a standard digital camera to take a picture of the receipt. If you purchased online, a screenshot of the receipt will suffice.
2. Ensure the file (attachment) is less than 1 megabyte in size. If your file is larger, your mail may be rejected by our system.
3. Send your attachment in JPG, GIF, or TIF format. This minimizes the file size, and also ensures that we can open your file successfully.
4. Respond directly to this email with your attachment (the purchase receipt file). Please note that you must respond to this email for us to proceed with warranty validation. If you do not use the reply option to this email we will be unable to relate your response to your service request and your resolution will be delayed.

We will monitor your service request for your response. If we do not receive a response within seven (7) business days, the request will be closed.
Please note: this email can only be used for proof of purchase related issues. We do not monitor this email for any other purpose and you will not receive a response from us.

We hope you continue to enjoy your Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, and we thank you again for your valued support..

Xbox Customer Support
Premium Member


Registered: 8th May 05
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5th Oct 11 at 20:31   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They're wank and a waste of money.
I got one, it lasted no tíme at all, wouldn't charge, then when it had 'charged' it lasted like 20 minutes.
I just ditched the battery pack and went for lightweight over wireless.

Marcy Marc

White Sport Progress Thread

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Off Day » Has anyone got a receipt for a Xbox controller Play & Charge kit (black)? 24 database queries in 0.0101581 seconds