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Author My rolling road results
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Registered: 31st Dec 04
Location: Glasgow
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7th Jun 12 at 20:56   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Toby
Originally posted by craig8
Just to clarify that's it's not only this garage that advises that btw, these machines are pretty common in Australia and America and the same opinion is held there as you can see with a quick google

I don't know what you do mate but unless it's repairing and overhauling ferarris as a professional then your analogy doesn't work

Well just because they own a kit and it was professionally installed at the time doesn't (just as I could buy a perfectly running ferrari) doesn't mean it's working correctly now.

Unless your implying that they (the tuner) also supplies and fits the dynos and if that's the case then why are they mapping cars?

Yeah they are a dealer for Mainline and also do maintenance on other dynos as well as sell them, why do both? Well it doesn't hurt to have a bit extra income I would guess and I don't see any downside to the guys who know the kit inside out being the ones who are using it on a daily basis

E36 328

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