Registered: 25th May 01
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was driving thru town in my mates cleo, me in back, 2 lads in fron, stopped to turn right once all traffic had cleared, doing about 20mph as it was thru town, stood still for about 10 seconds with indicator on and then i felt the biggest bang ever, bit toung and proper messedmy back up, then i realised we had been hit from behind, turned round to see some middel aged bloke in a 52 plate focus looking at us
we pulled 2 side of road and waved him over but he drove off,so we span round and followed him but lost him on the roundabout
ste sees a copper so we pull over and he jumps out and tells him whats happened, i get out of car, cant breath, cant stand up, blood in mouth off my tounge, and back hurts like fuck
copper says, oh, well u shouldnt have been driving round town, bollocks us, then drives off saying he can do us for driving around!! and dosnt report it
but when it happened there was no skid marks, the whitnesses say he didnt even slow down at all, hit us fast, id saty 20mph without even braking once, hit us that hard the stereo cage flew out
so if he didnt see us then he must have been a) not paying attention b) drunk or c) tired and to drive off he must have been a) not insured or b) drunk again and scared of being caught
so we went down cop shop and filed an oficial complaint against the copper as he was a twat, and reported the insident properly as the copper wouldnt, and guess who came to the desk to sort it out, yep, the same twat coppwer again, who was a bit ok with us this time.
so anyway, i feel like shit, ive gotta find some valves for car 2day, and ive just wrote all this as im putting off going outside as its f f f freezing
i want compensation might have 2 go 2 hospital if it gets any worse later on - bruised 2 fuck
matt etches
Registered: 16th Sep 01
Location: rotherham.. drives: nova 14sr turbo
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your havin some bad shit lately arnt ya mate
Registered: 25th May 01
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proper shit last 8 days
Registered: 30th Apr 02
Location: Perceton, North Ayrshire
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bud news bud hope ya get better
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: lurkin' somewhere........................
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Did you report the copper then?
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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hope you got the plate ?
what a twat.
Registered: 25th May 01
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yes we reported the copper, but when we wentto report him, it was him again at the desk
we got most of the plate, 52*** but they think thats enuff to find him
Registered: 25th May 01
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oh, si, yeah we filed a complaint anyway, but only thing is we each drive modded cars so he'll be on our back all the time
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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there ya go marv get a whiplash claim in and ya can fund ya new engine
*awaits flaming*
Registered: 15th Apr 03
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sorry to hear that, cheek of some people to leave you with the problem
Registered: 20th Aug 01
Location: Home-Ayrshire (Troon), Uni-St Andrews
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
*awaits flaming*
'nuff said
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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doesnt matter if you drive a modded car we all have rights your car is leagal personel opinion doesnt count! thats a lack of professionalism!
bang out of order!
Registered: 25th May 01
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correct gizmo, but u know *some* coppers aint very professional, especially if they have a thing for us car moders
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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quote: Originally posted by beav
quote: Originally posted by Kerry
*awaits flaming*
'nuff said
Registered: 20th Aug 01
Location: Home-Ayrshire (Troon), Uni-St Andrews
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Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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thats thier problem not yours id go an see the head copper guy that is well out of order
its a car crash! ffs
hit n run!
its a criminal offence!
or do i know more than the copper??
about the law?
l33t corsa
Registered: 14th Aug 01
User status: Offline
Nasty stuff 
Assuming that some paint rubbed off the focus onto the clio, then all the meat would have to do is search for all focuses in the area in that colour, that match the part of the no plate you got. Then find the one with a caved in front.
Copper wasn't called Ian was he? With no.1 black hair?
Registered: 1st Feb 01
Location: Dartford Kent Drives: 330cd
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Sorry to hear about that mate been in a similar situation not nice, hope u get it all sorted good luck matey
Registered: 25th May 01
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l33t we have all except the first 2 digits, which will probs be only a few as it might have been registered up our way, its a silver 3 door also and will have white paint on it off the cleo (it was fishys car from our school)
yes its a hit and run at the end of the day, and im sure the lads dad will go off it when hefinds out the coppers didnt want to know
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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that is really shit mate, hope you do get it sorted out!!
Some coppers really are twats...