Cardiac Kid
Registered: 1st Jan 07
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I had a "should I quit?" moment in my second year, but I had another three years to succeed it, so I was like "I'm not even 2/5's of the way through it yet", but funnily enough, third year onwards became easier and more interesting. 
Just stick at it then. Enter another course at graduate level later on?
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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quote: Originally posted by Grufman
quote: Originally posted by Cardiac Kid
Which access course are you taking, Grufman?
Being Northern Irish I just want out of this shithole that's why I've applied to you mainland fuckers uni's
[Edited on 19-01-2012 by Grufman]
Got loads of you fuckers here too be prepared to have the piss taken out of you constantly, all the Irish here are affectionately referred to as some kind of terrorist bomber
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quote: Originally posted by Dan295
quote: Originally posted by FAZ
nothing other than motorsport really interests me, and thats a dieing trade imo
join motorsport with me and antee then stop pissing about!!
Registered: 9th Oct 06
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tbh thats a double face palm. firstly for doing a degree that your not interested in, secondly as motorsport is a 'dieing trade'
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
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quote: Originally posted by Dan295
quote: Originally posted by FAZ
nothing other than motorsport really interests me, and thats a dieing trade imo
Go and do Motorsport Engineering at University if that's your interest.
Believe me it's not what you think it's like looking from the outside in though.
[Edited on 20-01-2012 by Rob B]
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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I blame pow for this, with his bendy line graphs, he made you feel stupid imo
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Registered: 24th Nov 07
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no i say dieing motorsport trade as people have less disposable cash and the sheer cost of it [/evo]
Registered: 1st Feb 01
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tbh motorsport is more accessable now than it has ever been IMO
With regards to leaving uni...if it doesnt motivate you and you are struggling it is clearly not the right path for you.
Perhaps look to do something vocational so with a bit of a mix of work and study then you get the valuable experience you need whilst working towards an accredited qualification. Also dont think you are running out of time, I went back to uni at 25 despite everyone telling me it was a waste of time and 3 and bit years on I am now in a job I actually enjoy and dont have to drag my heels to every day. I'd recomend the vocational route to everyone as its less of a financial burden too.
As stated here if you are motivated and know what you want university isnt the end and be all.
[Edited on 20-01-2012 by Fad]
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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i started uni at 24
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by FAZ
no i say dieing motorsport trade as people have less disposable cash and the sheer cost of it [/evo]
Rob E
Registered: 1st Jan 06
Location: Madeley, Stafford....I want to live back in Wales!
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What course are you doing now Neil? I'm on motorsport and agree with Rob B; its nothing like I expected but I have still enjoyed even though its so damn hard sometimes. In my Uni, automotive and motorsport courses are run together, in the same class learning exactly the same thing.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by Rob E
What course are you doing now Neil? I'm on motorsport and agree with Rob B; its nothing like I expected but I have still enjoyed even though its so damn hard sometimes. In my Uni, automotive and motorsport courses are run together, in the same class learning exactly the same thing.
one module different isnt it? thats what most unis told me when i was looking at doin it. changed my mind to mechanical in the end, broader job opportunities
Rob E
Registered: 1st Jan 06
Location: Madeley, Stafford....I want to live back in Wales!
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The only difference I have seen so far has been with our final year project. The course director told us those doing the motorsport degree program must include more motorsport based references/technical papers than if you are doing the automotive degree and vice versa. However, my project supervisor was quick to dismiss this theory and told me my referencing has been fine even if most of it is from automotive sources and not motorsport sources
Cardiac Kid
Registered: 1st Jan 07
Location: The Big Smoke
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You could always go for medicine, biochemistry/bio science or dentistry...
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Registered: 24th Nov 07
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quote: Originally posted by Tom
quote: Originally posted by FAZ
no i say dieing motorsport trade as people have less disposable cash and the sheer cost of it [/evo]
dying? [/quote
yea that 
Premium Member
Registered: 13th Sep 08
Location: Daventry
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most people go from motorsport in to automotive design places anyway fuck planes