Registered: 19th Apr 03
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quote: Originally posted by Ben D
quote: Originally posted by baza31
I agree with alot of comments on here. All supermarkets shops etc would update their system as there profits would soar . It really really annoys me . I know someone who has a new golf 61 golf on finance and manages to pay with his benefits rents his mums house but she lives there so he's basically paying her mortgage and getting a car out of the system too .
I highly doubt that his benefits are paying his mums mortgage, and if he is he has only done so by making a fraudulent claim.
People who cannot get Housing Benefit [HB Reg 7] Close relatives You cannot claim HB if you live in the same dwelling as your landlord, and they are a close relative of you or your partner. A close relative is a: parent or step-parent or father-in-law or mother-in-law or child or step-child or son-in-law or daughter-in-law or brother or sister or brother-in-law or sister-in-law or partner of any of the above.
Trust me he does, his mum has different surname. I know as well as everyone else does it's illegal but these people don't care. What person would complain about getting over paid. If the money isn't there to be claimed for then they would have no choice . I honestly can't see them changing but I would be over moon if they did, then they can reduce the workers tax level and let the worker enjoy the money they have earned. Does anyone know the uk unemployment figure in percentage?
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
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Right can someone explain how child support agency thing works? If you receive money from a child's father each month are we now going to have to pay CSa for the privelage?
Registered: 19th Apr 03
Location: yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Ojc
Right can someone explain how child support agency thing works? If you receive money from a child's father each month are we now going to have to pay CSa for the privelage?
They take a percentage of the fathers wage . This is based on income . I know a proposal is that the CSA is going to take a percentage , this is probably because of the amount of people having babys and breaking up . There is only one winner in this country and that is Jeremy Kyle
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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What the CSA do is just take a large percentage of your wage if some nutcase woman phones them up.
They won't bother asking your side of the story, or doing anything other than contact your employer to take the money.
An absolutely corrupt, unbelievably unfair system.
You could be paying hundreds a month, she could then claim 18 years worth back.
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
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Two sides to that, she has to raise the child and if you think back to being a child it's not cheap
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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Depends on the circumstances why the father left, and why shes left with a child on her own. What happened?
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
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I'm not at liberty to say, sorry.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Even if the father is willing, and paying, she can phone up and say literally whatever she wants, they'll only listen to her side and she calls the shots.
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
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If he doesn't work, you don't get any money.
Ben D
Registered: 25th Apr 05
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quote: Originally posted by Ojc
If he doesn't work, you don't get any money.
But if he does work his pay gets raped.
I knew a lad who moved to Ohio because his CSA payments were so extortionate
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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CSA are shit, it'll take them about 18 years to sort out your claim.
Sarah A
Registered: 3rd Jan 11
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quote: Originally posted by Nath
CSA are shit, it'll take them about 18 years to sort out your claim.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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If the woman leaves the man or he leaves because of something shes done then she shoukdnt get fuck all.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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quote: Originally posted by Ojc
If he doesn't work, you don't get any money.
Who's clueless?
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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quote: Originally posted by Gary
If the woman leaves the man or he leaves because of something shes done then she shoukdnt get fuck all.
What about the kid though? It is all wrong IMO the claimant should have to pay DNA test, until said test come back positive no payment should be made. Child takes two , so two should pay. There is alot of absent parents which is their choice, but payment for the child shouldn't be a choice.
But ...
Give them money to spend on this card idea . Because there is alot of lasses that take money off the "dad" but spend said money going on piss . Although on other hand if I was in said position I would buy milk clothes etc for baby and not give a penny towards them going on the piss.
Fucking country
Registered: 9th Feb 03
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my sister is receiving the harsh side of benefits. She can barely stand most days as she has a severe problem with dead bones in her foot. They keep reviewing her and taking stuff away despite the fact she cant do the most basic things. Makes me sick seeing people living the life of luxury with no issues at all when im lending my sis money just to get heating in her place. Also her ex who she had a baby with, did a runner after bashing her about a bit. When she went to the csa, he quit his job to avoid paying anything so he could live off benefits whilst working cash in hand.
Registered: 7th Oct 09
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
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my mate had an agreement with his ex where he had his daughter at the weekend and gave her some money each week to support her (cant remember the amount) anyway one day after dropping his daughter back off at the ex's house they ended up having an arguement for some reason and she contacted the CSA, a few weeks later he got a letter through saying he had to pay x amount per week, her grassing him up had saved him about 20 quid a week she wasn't happy to say the least lol
[Edited on 01-02-2012 by JaffaTB]
Registered: 19th Apr 03
Location: yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by JaffaTB
my mate had an agreement with his ex where he had his daughter at the weekend and gave her some money each week to support her (cant remember the amount) anyway one day after dropping his daughter back off at the ex's house they ended up having an arguement for some reason and she contacted the CSA, a few weeks later he got a letter through saying he had to pay x amount per week, her grassing him up had saved him about 20 quid a week she wasn't happy to say the least lol
[Edited on 01-02-2012 by JaffaTB]
My ex had a kid, she was a headcase with the kids dad , used the child for everything to get what she wanted . He had paid her £50 a week for the three years . About a month before we broke up he wouldn't have her on a Friday night as he was going out too . Because she thought he would jump as he did for previous years she went ballistic and filed a report to CSA to backdate payments saying she never had a penny off him . I presume he will of had to backpay . I don't know if he ever did have to pay . But just a word of advice if you do hand cash over get a reciept , or better even bank transfer .no matter what these women say they can turn and cause hell . Cover your backs from beginning
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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quote: Originally posted by StuartVRS
my sister is receiving the harsh side of benefits. She can barely stand most days as she has a severe problem with dead bones in her foot. They keep reviewing her and taking stuff away despite the fact she cant do the most basic things. Makes me sick seeing people living the life of luxury with no issues at all when im lending my sis money just to get heating in her place. Also her ex who she had a baby with, did a runner after bashing her about a bit. When she went to the csa, he quit his job to avoid paying anything so he could live off benefits whilst working cash in hand.
She should be on full mobility and carers allowance for disability.
Some sort of income support as I can't see how she would qualify for jsa if she cannot stand most days then she wouldn't be expected to travel 2 hours on a bus and work full time.
I had a tumor in my right knee that desroyed a lot of the bone there, my doctor said if people in a wheel chair can work why can't I, this was during my 3 months recovery period as I went to get a sick note from the doctor.
The system isn't equal for all, some people in the department will be making totally different choices for the same condition.
Registered: 23rd Jun 08
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I think the worst part of the whole story is that the (unelected) house of lords blocked the move to set a limit.
Liberal cunts!!