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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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OK I have a Ford Cougar (yes I know this a Corsa site but people actually answer questions on this forum ), sometimes I get condensation on both of my headlight lenses.
I'm guessing something needs resealing to stop it happening, what is the best way of sorting this out - apart from spending a month's wages at Ford buying brand new ones?
Also, is this an MOT failure?
Registered: 9th May 10
Location: Ludlow Shropshire
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dont think its an MOT failure, but what you COULD do i guess is take the headlights out get a tube of silicone and go all around the edges of the headlight glass where it seals and then possibly around where the indicators go in and side light bulbs etc but that might make it a bit orquad to get them out next time with silicone all around them lol
Registered: 27th Jul 08
Location: South Ayrshire Drives: Corsa Sport
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im sure ive seen that someone dropped one of those silica gel things in and that solved it?
Registered: 11th Oct 11
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take the lights out and see if you can split them and just buy a new seal you could on mondeos
Phoenix Autosport
Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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a lot of the time there is nothing wrong with the light its just a build up of moisture that cant get out, when you turn on the lights at night they warm up, the air expands forcing air out of the light around the bulb, when you turn them off they cool down the air contracts drawing in damp night air which condenses on the glass, try poping the bulbs out and wrap some silica gel crystals in a hankerchief (ask your grandad about those) dry then in a fan oven for half hour on a low heat and stuff them in the bulb hole of the lights and tape over the hole, leave them overnight to dry out the lights then pull them out and refit the bulbs