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Author Points :(

Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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7th Apr 12 at 19:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What absolute cunts.

Registered: 24th Nov 08
Location: Kingswinford, West Midlands
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7th Apr 12 at 20:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I get nervous when people ask this, i dont have any. Im not a superstitious fucker but a few years a go i asked my dad the same question and he said non in his 30+ years of driving.

Next day he got 3!
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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7th Apr 12 at 20:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by TheNobleOne
What absolute cunts.

either way, i shouldn't have had the phone in my hand as it just gives them the opportunity. i should've known better especially being in a town centre at traffic lights with a police car behind me

Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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7th Apr 12 at 20:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

True but still. Could've been worse, my idiotic mate ran a red light with the cops right behind him
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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7th Apr 12 at 20:27   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not got any but did do a speed awareness/driver rehabilitation course on Thursday after I got clocked by a Gatso whilst on a 1200mile week tour round the country for work-annoying thing was I got done by the camera round the corner from home maybe 100metres away!! Really pissed me off as the camera has been there for about 15 years too-such a prat.

Course was utter dog shit and a waste of 4 hours of my life-only thing I did learn was that old people should not be allowed in cars, ever. Of the 22 people on the course, 19 were aged over 65 and of those 8-10 were over 80. Average mileage for them was 2500 miles a year compared to my 30,000+. That's beside the point, what was worrying was that not one of them knew what the national speed limit was or the minimum safe distance between cars when travelling, most thought 1-2 car lengths was sufficient at any speed!! One woman couldn't walk without sticks and couldn't manage to carry a cup and saucer back to the table, a number had serious shakes, almost like Parkinson's and when they went through a couple of hazard perception videos and road sign awareness, most didn't had a clue even as to what the men at work sign meant, what a lanes merging sign was etc etc

Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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7th Apr 12 at 20:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LiVe LeE
Not got any but did do a speed awareness/driver rehabilitation course on Thursday after I got clocked by a Gatso whilst on a 1200mile week tour round the country for work-annoying thing was I got done by the camera round the corner from home maybe 100metres away!! Really pissed me off as the camera has been there for about 15 years too-such a prat.

Course was utter dog shit and a waste of 4 hours of my life-only thing I did learn was that old people should not be allowed in cars, ever. Of the 22 people on the course, 19 were aged over 65 and of those 8-10 were over 80. Average mileage for them was 2500 miles a year compared to my 30,000+. That's beside the point, what was worrying was that not one of them knew what the national speed limit was or the minimum safe distance between cars when travelling, most thought 1-2 car lengths was sufficient at any speed!! One woman couldn't walk without sticks and couldn't manage to carry a cup and saucer back to the table, a number had serious shakes, almost like Parkinson's and when they went through a couple of hazard perception videos and road sign awareness, most didn't had a clue even as to what the men at work sign meant, what a lanes merging sign was etc etc

their reward for being so completely inept? insurance for about 20 quid a fucking year

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