Registered: 1st Jun 02
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Mine is always from within a 3 mile radius.
Unless I can't be bothered to go to that Tesco, then I get it delivered.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: West Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Mad Moe
Well I can safely say the farm shop and fishmongers I use do not buy any of their stock in bulk and I don't know of any others around me that do either.
Your not supposed to know.
Registered: 16th May 10
Location: Clacton-on-Sea, Essex
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shop at your coop they do local produce bread meat fruit and veg got choice of local or the normal rubbish
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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quote: Originally posted by LiVe LeE
Depends how local you mean-all pork, beef and lamb related products come from Dad and his mate's small holding as do eggs, buy most veg from the greengrocer in town, everything else is from the supermarket for convenience
I do not believe you buy your stuff from the supermarket?
Surely it's sourced from (insert X girlfriend) mum/dad/uncle/girlfriends cousins horses trainers jokey?
So you can make some gourmet meal.
Can't do that with a jar of ASDA(s for the retards) smart price sauce.
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Registered: 29th Nov 05
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Odd occasion used to get q sack of spuds and other veg from a guy at work who's dads, brothers, newphew used to work on a farm, it was nice but generally 100% comes from a supermarket. However in fields behind my parents house they grow spuds for McCain so oven chips etc are technically local.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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Eggs and honey are local, as is chicken and occasional steak. The rest is Asda/Sainsbury/Tesco finest
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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John, my missus currently works in a supermarket-she buys all the normal/convenience/day to day food from there
Mad Moe
Registered: 14th Jun 01
Location: Northumberland
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quote: Originally posted by Gary
quote: Originally posted by Mad Moe
Well I can safely say the farm shop and fishmongers I use do not buy any of their stock in bulk and I don't know of any others around me that do either.
Your not supposed to know.
However I do know as the farm shop and small holding is owned by a family friend and the fishmongers is on the Fish Quay at North Shields where you can actually see them stocking the shop direct form the boats if you're there early enough
Registered: 29th Mar 00
Location: Turku, Finland
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the horse meat i eat is from a local place
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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I ate an apple from the garden last year.
Would like to rescue some chickens one day and eat their periods
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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Only thing there's any effort in getting locally is eggs.
Wee brother works on a farm and brings them home.
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Tiger
I'm just sitting here eating trout that was caught about 3 miles from where I live, all my meat is from within 20 miles, my spuds are grown on the farm I live, eggs come from a bloke I know who lives 5 miles from me. I'm getting into country living, much more morally satisfying.
pat on the back for you.
i don't give a shit where my food comes from.
Registered: 20th Jan 10
Location: Blackpool. Drives: Sapphire Black Mk4 Astra 1.8
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Usually just get meat from the local butcher, but thats only because it tastes better and is fresher, rest is bought from the supermarket for ease.
Registered: 31st May 06
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I go to my parents in the countryside most weeks to steal loads of eggs as they have chickens. They always have a good stock of homemade suasages / burgers from the farm next door do I always help myself to a good batch of these.