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Anyone who puts anything other than T1 as their fave is a cunt
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They were all rubbish
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by Jambo
Ratings don't mean anythiong to me, its rated by someone else's opinion which shows little relavence to me.
It didn't feel like a Terminator film, it showed none of the post apocoplyptic landscape, the story was daft, the end was daft, the begginging was daft and the machines sucked.
It was so so so bad.
Even a cuddle wouldnt cure it.
Jesus titting christ!!
It did show the post apocalyptic landscape! When Marcus comes across that old model Terminator which i think might be the rubber skinned T600 series (ollie ?) and meets the young kyle reese.
I loved the old model terminator and what appeared to be evolutions of the early Terminators from T3 being used at the concentration camps (The ones from the air force base that go on a rampage after being reprogrammed by the T-X).
You get to see the concentration camps, you get to see Skynet, you get to see remnants of the Military in particular A10's dog fighting early HK's, what else where you looking for? Men on jeeps with mounted plasma cannons?
Like ollie says there is much more to come.
I posted the IMDB and Empire scores tounge in cheek as I used to do this a lot to wind people up 
iirc there has been a lot of hoo ha over the publishing rights etc and the next proposed two films have kind of stalled?
There are places they can go with the rest of the story and I definitely think Salvation has pointed it in the right direction.
I am a huge Arnold fan but do not see a place for him in the rest of the new trilogy. He was pushing it with T3 and only just pulled it off IMO.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by Shelly
They were all rubbish
get the cunting fuck out of this thread for that comment
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*shuts the door
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quote: Originally posted by Jambo
Anyone who puts anything other than T1 as their fave is a cunt
T2 is easily the best
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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T2/T3 equal
For me. I enjoyed T3! Haven't seen T4 yet xxx
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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Salvation is brilliant imo
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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i don't think i've ever seen it 
thought the one with the woman was the latest one
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There's a woman in salvation
Kyle T
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Salvation was a fine Sci-fi movie and I quite enjoyed it, but it's just not a Terminator movie!
Terminator was all about a single enemy which could not be destroyed easily just relentlessly pressing forward regardless of what you throw at it. Add in some creepy/dodgy 80's stop motion and puppets and you've got an incredible film with an excellent story. I don't think that can be replicated anymore, so Salvation was a reasonable way to extend the franchise and fill in some story gaps all things considered.
Lotus Elise 111R
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Fact is Arnie is now too old
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Terminator is a story about the coming apocalypse not a constant 1v1 battle between man and machine
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jambo has went down in my book
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quote: Originally posted by SetH
iirc there has been a lot of hoo ha over the publishing rights etc and the next proposed two films have kind of stalled?
Some billionaire film producer has bought the rights. She wanted Justin Lin to direct and Arnold to star, but everything got delayed because of Arnolds divorce, so Lin bailed.
Only thing set in stone is that the movie will be big budget and R-rated "as God and James Cameron intended".
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
jambo has went down in my book
Somehow, I don't feel the need to respond to that
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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But you did respond.... Lol