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would 185/55/13 tyres fit on my 13in rims? corsa ones..
Registered: 22nd Jun 11
Location: Co Durham
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surely because the tyre size is r13 and your rims are 13, should mean they'll fit 
will fit fine though
if you went lower for something like 155/165 you'll end up with stretch
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Registered: 19th Mar 08
Location: droitwich
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I need some width one the ones i have, there is no grip when cornering.. noticed there was a bit of a slide when i was taking a bend.. ive put the spare on, but have noticed its a winter tyre..
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From memory the standard size is 165/65/13 (correct me if I'm wrong) so 185/55 would be 2% smaller diameter. 185/60 would only be 1% larger, so that's what I'd go for. The other thing is whether the extra width will cause the rubber to rub on the arch liner.
You can use this to compare sizes -
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
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1L Nick
Registered: 11th Apr 12
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Yh there 165/70 R13 standard size that's wat was on mine anyway
I wudnt fit a 185 to them cuz there a lot bigger width an it won't handle right because of the extra width
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by Anty
I need some width one the ones i have, there is no grip when cornering.. noticed there was a bit of a slide when i was taking a bend.. ive put the spare on, but have noticed its a winter tyre..
Wider won't necessarily give you more grip, the contact patch is wider but thinner