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I'm finally back to work tomorrow, reduced hours (4 hour shifts for 4 days then gradually increasing)
Been a long times off especially seeing as I spent the first 4-5 weeks stuck inside my own house.
Feeling about 90% as I used to, still get quite tired after driving for a bit and walking long distances but getting there slowly!
For anybody not knowing what I'm on about.. http://www.corsasport.co.uk/board/viewthread.php?tid=625033&page=1

Registered: 11th Aug 06
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Congrats on the completion of the sex change jade. So pleased that it was a success x
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Registered: 27th Mar 04
Location: Ellesmere Port, Cheshire
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if it is jade i'd still pump it
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Registered: 27th Mar 04
Location: Ellesmere Port, Cheshire
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well done for getting back to work
some helmet in my work was off for 18 months after breaking his ankle and is now doing 3 5 hour shifts a week
Nic Barnes
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I've been off since 12:30 on Saturday lunchtime, back in tomorrow so I know how you feel
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
Location: Sandbach
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thanks guys. I know what you mean Mark, we've had people at work been of with sprained ankles, colds and headaches for 6+months. Milking the fuck out of it!
Kathryn W
Registered: 12th Oct 03
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Have fun and don't be doing too much! Didn't know you'd had that done, my dad had the same procedure
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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I missed the original thread, good to hear you are back
to 90%
Will you be able to exercise normally or do you have to take it easy with one of these valves in terms of keeping your heart rate low?
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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<3 Good Luck <3
Registered: 16th May 10
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good luck mate i was off work for 6 months after my liver transplant went back on small shifts you feel dam tired afterwards but builds you back up well and be back to normal hours before you know it.
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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Fella who works for us has had loads done on his heart . There is a box in his chest which wirelessly controls his heart beat. Apart from it went dickie a few months since and his heart rate went mental. Hope it works out for you
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Registered: 21st Apr 04
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Fucking hell, I hadn't seen the original topic, glad its all gone well and your able to return to work!
Thats an impressive scar, what's it like now?
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
Location: Sandbach
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Thanks everyone 
quote: Originally posted by SetH
I missed the original thread, good to hear you are back
to 90%
Will you be able to exercise normally or do you have to take it easy with one of these valves in terms of keeping your heart rate low?
Cheers mate. Heart rates not a problem, I'm in the middle of 6 3hour cardio rehab sessions and they are getting us running on treadmills, on the exercise, trampette thing and other stuff. Main thing to look out for is now i'm back in the gym is lifting bit weights about my head, so no front squats or heavy overhead press kind of thing.
quote: Originally posted by Daniel_Corsa
Fucking hell, I hadn't seen the original topic, glad its all gone well and your able to return to work!
Thats an impressive scar, what's it like now?
Thanks mate. It's not an awful lot different, I'll see if I can get a picture tomorrow. THe redness and swelling has gone down, slowly turning white like it should
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Thanks for answering my question 
I am always curious as to how devices like this affect your ability to exercise etc.
Can you elaborate on why you cannot do any overhead movements? Is this due to blood flow or something?
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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splitting scar tissue?
Registered: 7th May 12
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Oh that great news and welcome back again as of now I am sure you are again back with full energy as before.
So now just take care and do regular exercise which keep you strong and healthy.