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Author Preparing for the worst - ebay

Registered: 23rd Jul 09
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14th May 12 at 14:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I know some of you guys sell a lot on eBay and was wondering if anyone can give me some advice
A while ago I became victim to an eBay fraudster- he waited about three weeks to pay for the item, payed then put in an unrecieved item dispute immediately, I know he received the item but he got his money back (all £30 of it), I sent it recorded, but lost the tracking number when the dispute was filed. I didn't do anything because it was my own idiotic fault.
I have just sold a jacket for £200, the winner (bloke with 0 feedback) kept saying he was going to pay that evening everyday for about 4 days and finally paid late last night. He has asked me to send it to a different address to the one on a PayPal and the PayPal address doesn't match the ebay account holder name or the paypal address name.
He also sent me his new address this morning and told me he needed the jacket tomorrow!? I obviously didn't expect him to pay so didn't take it into work with me. I only checked my eBay at half eight this morning when at work.
I am obviously Gunna send the jacket recorded, but what else can I do to protect myself? I am really worried of having a repeat of last time, I can't be loosing 200£
Thanks everyone
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14th May 12 at 14:41   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Don't send it, mostly.

Registered: 2nd Sep 08
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14th May 12 at 14:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This goes to show how fucking shit eBay has become. Sellers have to constantly live in fear of every transaction because some smelly fucking pikey cunt thinks its ok to scam them.
Will never sell anything on there, Purely for buying because even if i do get the item, If i feel like it i can just whinge and get all my money back too

[Edited on 14-05-2012 by chrisritch]

Registered: 23rd Jul 09
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14th May 12 at 14:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So do you think I should just refund the bloke? Such a pain in the arse all this crap. Really makes me sick how people just abuse the system and it seems to happen so much.

Registered: 7th Oct 09
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14th May 12 at 14:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I would tell him im not happy to send to a different address to the one the eBay account/PayPal account is linked to

Registered: 19th Aug 02
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14th May 12 at 15:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I would tell him you have already sent it to the delivery address on his paypal account.
If he's a fraudster he wont have a leg to stand on.

Obviously dont send it.

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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14th May 12 at 15:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've got my mums address in Blackpool on PayPal, always feel dodgy when I forget to change it and ask them to post to Liverpool instead

Registered: 23rd Jul 09
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14th May 12 at 15:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

That's the thing I would tell him I have sent it to the address on the eBay account but it has no house number, I googled the address and there are like 400 house numbers on that road as well, and certainly no houses names after the road.
I am Gunna investigate the rules around sending to another address. May be able to worm out of the sale that way. But then risk negative feedback, which I have worked hard to keep at 100% over the years!!
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
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14th May 12 at 16:03   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Negative feedback is far better than £200 out of pocket..

Dont send it, stinks of dodgy

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Registered: 31st Dec 08
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14th May 12 at 16:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ebay is Shit for selling now I sold 2 wings and a bonnet to someone on there that were in mint condition and the buyer said there were unusable scratched and dented I sent ebay pics of the panels in perfect order but they still refunded him and he got to keep the panels.
I would just say you are not happy sending to a different address how long has he been a member of ebay under that user name for? Alarm bells would ring if its a new account and he wants it sending to a different address for what ever reason. Atleast e-mail him saying your not happy sending to a different address as you have been stung in the past doing this tell him to update he's details before you send them
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14th May 12 at 16:48   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by JaffaTB
I would tell him im not happy to send to a different address to the one the eBay account/PayPal account is linked to

come collect it.

Registered: 7th Jul 09
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14th May 12 at 16:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Send to original address. Keep emails or him asking for elsewhere. Send fully insured and fully tracked.

Or if his local go deliver

Registered: 12th Apr 02
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14th May 12 at 17:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When you say they refunded him and he got the keep the panels, does the refund come out of your pocket? So you've effectively just lost the panels to some guy for nothing?

Registered: 31st Dec 08
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14th May 12 at 17:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Xs
When you say they refunded him and he got the keep the panels, does the refund come out of your pocket? So you've effectively just lost the panels to some guy for nothing?

Yeah he paied but got he's own money back and got to keep my panels I wasn't any money down just the panels but effectively I'm money out of pocket cause I bought the car to break

Registered: 23rd Jul 09
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14th May 12 at 17:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

hes in birmingham, i am in kent, the ebay profile he has bought the jacket on is about 5 years old but has 1 positive feedback from about 4 years ago. Also as i said, the address that is linked to the ebay account has no house number, and i researched the address and there are 400 odd houses on this road. and the postcode does that whole road. And there are no houses on that road, named after the street.

Registered: 19th Apr 03
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14th May 12 at 17:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I sell a fair bit of shit on eBay. If they don't collect and pay cash I won't sell it them. Id prefer to take bit less than to line some Nigerian scammers pocket. Was meant to be collecting a mini digger on sat turned out that was a fucking scammer. Told me last minute his brother died and it's at farm in France. So I said no prob I'll drive over when he said pay the £7400 and he will ship to me and if am not happy he will take back ands refund . eBay is a joke start to finish, if the scammer doesn't fuck you eBay will with their fees

Registered: 23rd Jul 09
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14th May 12 at 21:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeah i just cant be fucked with it, gunna refund him tomorow and tell him to GTF in the nicest possible way, i also found the facebook of the paypal address used to pay for the item. i have messaged her telling her asking her to verify what has happened, either by calling me or messaging me, i know this might sound way ott, and it probably is, but i dont see the harm if its all legit, and if it is a scam, we can bring mr hussain to justice, but judging all the threads on how wanky the lwa is atm, i am sure they will either rehouse him into a bigger home or increase his benefits as punishment

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Off Day » Preparing for the worst - ebay 24 database queries in 0.0171940 seconds