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Author Opito

Registered: 19th Aug 04
Location: Middlesbrough Drives: Cliosport 182
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21st May 12 at 10:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Has anyone dealt with or been through a modern apprenticeship with this company regarding offshore or oil & gas work?

I've just finished a Process Plant operations course and my tutor reccommended me applying to this next year or writing directly to them. Given my age(27) I would ahve though most applicant there will be 18 years old or nearer.

I have a stable and decently paid job at the moment but wanted a career change to further my earnings.

If you could share your experiences i would appreciate it.


Registered: 4th Apr 02
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21st May 12 at 10:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I done my apprenticeship through them, I was 24 when I started it.

College was shit, maybe because I was older than most them, as you said its targeted at school leavers. I couldnt be doing with most of their nonsense but there were a few guys there on similar wavelengths that I hung about with & still hear from time to time. Didnt feel I learned much as it was all bulk revision and not enough practical work. That lasted 18 months.

Then work placement for 2yrs, quite enjoyed this part, I was in a maintenance team offshore. Wages were average, time off excellent. Only work 20 weeks a year but 12hr shifts 7 days a week.

Im now out my time, moved into operations, still considered a trainee tech but moneys as good as the time off now. Can easily earn 60kpa with a bit of OT & bonus. Im an outside tech running oil/gas production & a bit of utilities as required and still dabble in 1st line maintenance as required. Next steps control room. Got more certs than a horse could shite, could pretty much get a job anywhere around the world now, but I like my time off!!

Sitting out the back in the sun 6 days into 5 weeks off atm

You might as well apply for it, although if you've got a few qualifications you might be better trying to get your survival ticket and chance your luck getting a job.

[Edited on 21-05-2012 by Colin]

Registered: 19th Aug 04
Location: Middlesbrough Drives: Cliosport 182
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21st May 12 at 10:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What was your application process like through them col?

I was thinking I won't even be considered at the age of 27 and I've already done a Level 2 & 3 in process Plant Operations.

Registered: 4th Apr 02
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21st May 12 at 11:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They take applications in Feb each year for a August start. You do a aptitude test which consists of 4 tests. Then if you score high enough in that you get an interview.

All i'll say to you really is at 27, 3.5yrs is a long time to be going through college stuff & apprenticeship. As glad as I am I done it, I feel now that if I had pushed myself a bit further I could have done a degree in engineering in the same time frame and went out there in a higher position. Im not saying I regret doing it, not at all, but I think at the time I felt it was all that was available to me.

Is it NVQ level 2&3 you have? That might stand you in a good position to get a job.

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21st May 12 at 11:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If it's anything like when I went for the interview they'll only be worried about your standard grades.

That's what they've to tick off on the form so that's all they cared about, didn't matter that I'd sat them years ago and had higher level stuff.

Registered: 19th Aug 04
Location: Middlesbrough Drives: Cliosport 182
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21st May 12 at 11:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah just finished year 3, and did level 2 last year.

Registered: 4th Apr 02
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21st May 12 at 11:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There was a guy around your age started same time as me, he had left a drilling job in Canada to do it & then got put onshore in a gas plant. Wasnt happy at all!!

They cant discriminate against age, being old is better than being black now days

Registered: 4th Apr 02
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21st May 12 at 11:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jamescorsa97
Yeah just finished year 3, and did level 2 last year.

If its NVQ then you should be able to get a job no problem i'd have thought.

I just finished my level 3 last year in Process Ops.

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