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Author BP fuel issue....

Registered: 30th Jun 02
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6th Jun 12 at 11:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by kennySRi
Originally posted by johnhara1
Friend of mine went to tesco garage in the morning on way to work and filled the tank

Be bought a sandwich to have for his lunch and went to the counter to pay.

He paid for the sandwich and left the garage with a full tank of fuel.

He realised later that day but said nothing.

He didn't get any comeback.........

We used to get this all the time at work, nothing was ever done because the cameras wernt good enough to read the reg However they have been changed since then and are much better, but the police dont want to know about it if the customer has come in to buy something as it's not classed as a drive off so nothing can be done.

Oh really?
Even if they ask you "any fuel?"

Registered: 12th Nov 10
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6th Jun 12 at 11:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Seriously, the police round here had enough of us constantly reporting drive offs they made it clear not to let me know about it if the customer came into the shop. If we ask if they have any fuel and the customer says no and then goes without paying it's apparantly our fault and need staff training

However i dont think this is going to be the case for every place but you'll have more luck at a supermarket garage as the police know they expect massive loss each year on fuel.
Welsh Dan

Registered: 23rd Mar 00
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6th Jun 12 at 13:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Its still theft, you still need to report it. God knows why they're telling you otherwise

Registered: 27th Oct 03
Location: Marbella,Spain Drives: C63
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6th Jun 12 at 14:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I would just carry on filling up there as normal and if they ask you when you are there then pay it.

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