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Author Country road speed limits to be reduced

Registered: 19th Jun 10
Location: South Yorkshire
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14th Jul 12 at 16:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Speed limits on many rural roads in England could be cut from 60mph to 40mph under government proposals.

The reduction should be considered by councils on roads with "many bends or junctions", the Department for Transport (DfT) says in draft guidance.

Some 49% of road deaths in 2010 in the UK took place on single carriageway rural roads with a 60mph speed limit.

Road Safety Minister Mike Penning said it was "vital that speed limits are suitable for local conditions".

The vast majority of rural single-carriageway roads are subject to the national speed limit of 60mph.

Under the plans, which are open to public consultation, a reduction to 40mph should also be considered where there is "substantial development" or where there are "a considerable number" of horse-riders, pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.

A reduction to 50mph would be considered for "lower quality A and B roads" with "a relatively high number" of bends or junctions and where mean speeds are already below 50mph.

DfT figures for 2010 show that 68% of road deaths in Britain took place on rural roads.

Ralph Smyth, from the Campaign to Protect Rural England, called for "a presumption that minor rural roads, the narrower winding ones, have a lower speed limit".

"It seems strange that you've got minor roads, often that are just tarmaced tracks, that have a speed limit of 60mph - just 10mph less than the motorways," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

He said councils could already reduce limits on such roads but that they were legally obliged to erect expensive "repeater" signs along the way.

"We're saying a much better solution would be to use 40mph zones, similar to the 20mph zones in urban areas, where there isn't the requirement to have the signs every few hundred metres.

"And, of course, that doesn't just mean less cost it means less clutter in the countryside," he added.

It makes sense I suppose, but it's called a speed limit, just because the limit is 60mph doesn't mean you need to be driving 60mph all the time, if it's not safe to do so then slow down
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14th Jul 12 at 16:28   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Won't make a scrap of difference rural roads are far to sparse to police therefore people won't adhere to them. The type of people that crash won't give a shit anyway
Darryl H
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14th Jul 12 at 16:31   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What Steve said really, I doubt it will make much difference even if it did come in to effect

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Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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14th Jul 12 at 16:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

90% of people i encounter do that speed anyway. i only ever manage to get upto 60mph on a couple of roads around here anyway, before a tight bend or slow person infront anyway.

Registered: 30th Jun 08
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14th Jul 12 at 17:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Maybe they wanna sort out the twats that's sit at 40-50 on country roads, but also do that speed through the villages?

Registered: 26th May 08
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14th Jul 12 at 17:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They changed alot of 60 mph to 40 and the 40 to 30's around my area.i didnt think it would make a diffrence but it seems to take ages to get any where now

Registered: 16th Oct 10
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14th Jul 12 at 18:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

often its stupid do do 60 anyway...
i think i did 60 on one road by me... only cecuase i know it well and it was 2 am
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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14th Jul 12 at 18:13   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Pointless. There's roads by me that are never policed because they are too far out, noone will obide to it

Registered: 5th May 12
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14th Jul 12 at 19:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i agree with yhere senough idiots out there quite happy to do 45mph on a good stretch of rural road then as soon as you get to a 30mph residential they carry on at really makes no.sence to me.

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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14th Jul 12 at 20:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The amount of times people have gone through the wall on our farm which is on a corner on a country road is ridiculous. They were probably attempting the corner at 40 odd and ran out of talent pretty quick, that the the new speed limit would be unenforcable. They don't even out signs on country lanes let alone speed cameras or actually policing them.
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Registered: 26th Jul 04
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14th Jul 12 at 20:55   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the people that crash on country road round here are townies that get scared when it comes to a corner and they shit them selves.

Wont be able to enforc it all. My journey to work is 95% on country roads which would take me alot longer. They already seem to be extending the village limits out of the villages.

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