Registered: 7th Jun 11
Location: Walsall, West Mids
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What people's opinions on this inlet for a xe? I'd quite like it as it would maintain looks of a standard engine which is what I want, but would like to add a lil more power too

[Edited on 06-08-2012 by JG22-VXR]
Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
Registered: 19th Nov 09
Location: Camberley Drives: Porsche 944
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Not seen that before, what power gains is it supposed to produce?
Got a link of it for sale?
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Registered: 7th Jun 11
Location: Walsall, West Mids
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Not sure tbh, it's sold for a let and claims 60ps, duno what that is in bhp, but it stupidly expensive at £799 lol
Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
Registered: 19th Nov 09
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That's a nice price...
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Registered: 7th Jun 11
Location: Walsall, West Mids
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Here a link, it's £833 actually! Not worth it, but maybe there could be cheaper copies!
Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
Registered: 19th Nov 09
Location: Camberley Drives: Porsche 944
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- Allows power to be extended to the higher rev ranges, no more tailing off of power at high rpms!
- More power at the same boost level.
- Gains of upto 60bhp at high rpms on high boost cars
- Sustained low rpm power and torque
- Direct Bolt on fitment
- All gaskets and small fitting parts included.
I wonder if it actually can give up to 60bhp gains.
I know a guy on mig was experimenting with just the inlets and was getting 200bhp out standard XE's
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Registered: 7th Jun 11
Location: Walsall, West Mids
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60bhp would be maybe on a let! I'd say I'd could give a good 10-15 bhp on a xe! What I like is can keep factory looks of xe, but I wouldn't pay that price at all lmao
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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For that money could probably get a set of bike tbs and cheap management? Trying to keep the standard look of the engine and wanting power is not really going to work sadly.
Registered: 7th Jun 11
Location: Walsall, West Mids
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Yeah I know what you mean! Not after amazing power, some in region of 175, possibly could get that on stock inlet thou? With internal upgrades
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
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You'll never see huge gains without doing something drastic to a n/a. Unless you combine a few mods at once.
For that money I'd slap cams in and a map. Much better gains. And still no difference in looks