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Author Hill climbing and Sprinting
XE Col
Premium Member


Registered: 23rd May 10
Location: Rochdale, AKA:Boissy07
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8th Sep 12 at 14:03   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Anyone here done this?
i know what is needed, have an idea of costs, and classes in which i could run,
now just down to deciding what car?! think i will be sticking to the 1400cc-1800cc class to start with
must be under 2000cc to comply with the licence

Looking for the car to be cheapish too, to be disposable if you like, as in if i break it bad, to be able to easily and cheaply pick up another and swap some bits around.

A said up would like to be in the 1400-1800 being as close to the top i can get.

must be roadgoing/worthy as i would be driving it to the events too, no engine conversions too.

Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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8th Sep 12 at 14:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

currently looking into this myself. seems some need a class b license although from what i gather thats just pay £35 ish as its a basic as you can get race license, then an msa log book, which again is basically the cost of a scrutineering man/woman coming to look at your car and deeming it to be ok.

im not 100% on what exactly the car needs to conform to, as in what it needs to run the events which is currently where im up to. im joining a local motor club which does these events quite regularly and hopefully get all the info i need from there.
XE Col
Premium Member


Registered: 23rd May 10
Location: Rochdale, AKA:Boissy07
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8th Sep 12 at 14:34   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Nic Barnes
currently looking into this myself. seems some need a class b license although from what i gather thats just pay £35 ish as its a basic as you can get race license, then an msa log book, which again is basically the cost of a scrutineering man/woman coming to look at your car and deeming it to be ok.

im not 100% on what exactly the car needs to conform to, as in what it needs to run the events which is currently where im up to. im joining a local motor club which does these events quite regularly and hopefully get all the info i need from there.

as far as ive made out, to run on a class b liscence you are limited to 2000cc straight away.
but the next class up to the 1800 is 1800 - 2600cc so with being limited to 2000cc makes me want to drop to 1800.

the car must be unmodified as far as i know. as any mod's take it into the race class for which you need the a liscence.
very little needs to be done to the car to make it conform to MSA

Have a sticker on the ignition key or cut out switch indicating which way to turn it off
Have stickers indicating the location of the extinguisher toggle (if fitted) and tow points
Have a yellow battery earth cable (yellow tape works wonders here)
Have your race number on the sides of the car (magnetic door squares are available or stick some numbers on a white background in the rear windows)
A timing splitter
Secure seats
Two throttle return springs
A generally good-condition car
If you are entering a roadgoing class then the car must have a valid MOT, road tax disk and insurance.


which is all doable pretty easy

Just trying to find out what cars people actually run, Whats good and whats not

[Edited on 08-09-2012 by XE Col]
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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8th Sep 12 at 14:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well from past hill climbs I've been to watch, barbon one near Kendal you can just enter as a car with whatever it is and run it as long as it was road legal.
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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8th Sep 12 at 15:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Actually reading that link, if you are using a road going car then I don't think you have a restriction of modifications? As long as it passes msa, which doesn't really seem difficult.
XE Col
Premium Member


Registered: 23rd May 10
Location: Rochdale, AKA:Boissy07
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8th Sep 12 at 15:15   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Actually yeah, Looks like if you want to modify the car it has to conform with the regs in the blue book, which I don't know what they are as of yet, so long as its still on the road, ie. taxed, MOTd and insured.

If you don't have it on the road you then need the MSA logbook etc

[Edited on 08-09-2012 by XE Col]

Registered: 14th Feb 11
Location: Ireland
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8th Sep 12 at 16:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

In Ireland here, you can start off with any sort of car (modified or unmodified) up to 1600cc, then after 6 events you can drive whatever the hell you want! There are classes for everything, from a road car with a cage & bucket seats right up to purpose built hill climb single-seaters with upwards on 600bhp (Gould-Judd GR37 for example.

It's a fairly relaxed game (a particular Fiat Uno had 'BUS WANKERS' wrote along the back! ), but and isn't too expensive. Hoping to buy a single seater myself soon & get hillclimbing, will report back with my findings.

Registered: 29th Jul 07
Location: Warley, West Midlands
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8th Sep 12 at 20:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Was looking into this myself, was going to use an mgf, swap the hydroloc suspension for mgtf coilovers. But have been given an mr2 so might use that.

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