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Author TT - [Update: Insurance collected]

Registered: 3rd Aug 01
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20th Sep 12 at 19:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
Originally posted by CORSA NUT
I'm sick of your 'Big I Am' smart arse fucking comments so I'll just annoy you each time you do it. Tin foil hat = Orange ST

So report it or shut up, don't turn the thread to shit because you've got a bee in your bonnet.

Shut up? Wow now that's a professional way of dealing with long standing members of your forum.

This place has obviously got to big for you to control as pretty much every thread has some dickhead/baiting comments in. The next time someone refers to me as 'Tin foil hat' or anything to do with conspiracy theories when it has nothing to do with the topic I'll report them and I doubt anything will be done.

As for you Ben don't be a shithouse playing the victim.

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20th Sep 12 at 19:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
Originally posted by CORSA NUT
Also Ben you've had what..1-2 jobs in your life?? which makes you an expert on everything.

Some proper stale grudges going on here put it away.

How is this 'Stale' exacty? this is relative to his comment in THIS thread

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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21st Sep 12 at 12:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
Summary - I agree with Lee but the question have I claimed doesn't discriminate upon whose policy I claimed on.

Clearly obfuscared, clearly they're bumming lots of people, clearly my advice still stands, if you can avoid that gang of sharks, do so.

however, if your insurer are never aware of the claim and its not a claim on your policy then theres no way for your new insurer to find out about it if you dont declare it, or even your current insurer.

Registered: 20th Feb 07
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21st Sep 12 at 12:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LeeM

however, if your insurer are never aware of the claim

How could you be sure

E.g I'm with Admiral, if the other party was insured with Elephant would they not share data seeing as they are in the same group? Likewise with Direct Line/Churchill/Privilege/NIG/UKI etc.

Surely it's risky business interpreting the question in a manner that benefits yourself. I'm aware you could call Contra proferentem and class the initial question as ambiguous however, and i've never checked so dont quote me, there is probably a clause in the small print once you recieve the insurance policy. I wouldn't have thought large insurance companies would have missed that !
Tom J
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21st Sep 12 at 13:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

surely there is someway by searching on your car registration number insurance will see its been claimed on in an accident?
Site Administrator


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21st Sep 12 at 18:39   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LeeM
Originally posted by Ian
Summary - I agree with Lee but the question have I claimed doesn't discriminate upon whose policy I claimed on.

Clearly obfuscared, clearly they're bumming lots of people, clearly my advice still stands, if you can avoid that gang of sharks, do so.

however, if your insurer are never aware of the claim and its not a claim on your policy then theres no way for your new insurer to find out about it if you dont declare it, or even your current insurer.

But what if you disclose it?

You shouldn't have to rely on not telling them something for them to make the correct decision. I could declare that I wear odds socks on a Tuesday, wouldn't affect it because it doesn't factor in the decision.

Same as what you're saying shouldn't factor in - but in reality most insurers will load because of it? Again I agree, they don't have the capability or the will to establish the full facts, its not good business to do all of that at the time of the quote, but you're basically saying hide things from them, that isn't really a good basis under which to set up an insurance policy.

Out of interest what would happen if someone answered the question with a yes because they claimed on someone else's policy, would the insurer say 'oh sorry you've misinterpreted the question, we didn't mean that, premium remains unaffected' or would they load?

What if they said no to the question - I've had no claims - then later disclosed that you've had one on someone else's policy - I really can't see they'd stick to the interpretation of the question which you're suggesting.

The more I think about this, the more I think with all this claim culture going on and companies keen to get on the bandwagon, there are lots of people paying too much because they've disclosed information they weren't obligated to do so in good faith and are now being penalised for it. When those people who have chosen to hide are on the right side of it. Surely the industry can't be comfortable with that precedent.

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