Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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if person 1 sold person 2 a car without a V5 doc, then roughly 2 weeks later person 2 sold it onto person 3 still without v5, then less than 2 days later person 3 sold it to person 4 but gave person 4 a written receipt, signed and dated the 12th (yesterday). if any speeding tickets or the likes of came up who'd be getting it??
just person 1 has been trying to get it out his name asap (obviously)
basically im person 3 and my mates person 2. confusing i know but iv passed person 4's details onto person 1 for him to give/send the v5 onto but what if he wants it out of his name the day he sold it to my mate? technically my mate (person 2) never really owned it but the new owner (person 4) has a receipt with my name, address, details and most importantly the date...
if a speeding ticket or a hit and run (whatever) comes up and the idiot who forgot to give the V5 on blames me am i liable
ahh man. reading it back even confusing the shit out of me
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Whoever's name its in at the time is liable.
You can also write to the DVLA to tell them you no longer have the car, doesn't need to be done via a V5. Just send a letter to DVLA, Swansea SA99 1BD and tell them what is going on.
Its also an offence to not notify that its changed hands so be careful you don't write anything down which will get anyone in to trouble for not declaring it.
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Ian
Whoever's name its in at the time is liable.
You can also write to the DVLA to tell them you no longer have the car, doesn't need to be done via a V5. Just send a letter to DVLA, Swansea SA99 1BD and tell them what is going on.
Its also an offence to not notify that its changed hands so be careful you don't write anything down which will get anyone in to trouble for not declaring it.
nice one
so IF anything ever came back and i was accused of something bad i hadn't done couldent i just say 'i didnt sign that, iv never seen the car' etc... 
i insured it for the sub 48hours i owned it so i suppose that'd come down on me
best just write the letter to the DVLA anyway 
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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If you insured it then you can't really say later than you've never heard of the car.
Each person speaking from their own point of view should write separately detailing what happened.
Problem you'll have is one or more of those people has committed an offence. There might be a solution which doesn't incriminate anyone but you'll need to work together on that.
Either way if you've been using it on the road I wouldn't go saying you've not.
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
aye kind of understandable... il get a letter done in the morning, what would i need to say? just that i bought it whatever date and sold it whatever date to a mr.... of *address
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Yeah pretty much, just give them the facts.
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
cheers chief Ian
Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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Sounds like a nice car.
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by AndyCorsaSport
Sounds like a nice car.

of couse. 1.2 16v y reg corsa c. came back with 15 owners when i text checked it, has 149k on the clock, body work is battered up to hell, leaks water in the sun roof, passenger door and rubber bung, has 60mm corsa b springs that arent quite sat in the standard C dampers, comes complete with two broken droplinks........ 
im not fussed, didnt make a loss and that was after the insurance change over and change back
Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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Sounds like the 106 GTi I had with 17 owners
Registered: 26th Jun 08
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15 owners!
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
wey 15 declared owners, my mate, me and the lad whos got it arent registered as owners and iv just noticed the lad i sold it to has got it up forsale already hahahahha 
he's making a £50 loss too
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
its sold lmao