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Author Bit of Friday afternoon light Maths :)

Registered: 11th Aug 06
Location: North Wales Drives: BMW, Corsa & Fiat
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16th Nov 12 at 14:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Right... i've got a list of dimensions in all shapes and sizes, over 100 alltogether, i've picked out three as an example below (not to scale);

The dimensions range from around 10x10cm up to 200x200cm+, as well as having obscure ranges for panoramic or verticle sizes.

The squares will represent a clients photo they've uploaded on a site and will look something like this collage, but printed onto acrylic or other ways;

As i've listed i've got "Smallest, small, medium and large" squares, which will be the photo sizes available.

Obviously a limit of the smallest will have to have a cut off point, due to the amount of photo's it would hold, and the large visa verca.

The size's of the squares I think i'll be going with are; (big enough / too small for a wall area?)

  • Micro - 2x2cm (For dimensions lower than 16x16cm only)
  • Smallest - 3x3cm
  • Medium - 5x5cm
  • Large - 6x6cm

What is the best sum to see how many squares would fit inside the dimensions? As there's over 100, is there a way I can do it in excel, or automated?

Registered: 19th Jun 10
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16th Nov 12 at 16:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This should be right:

Basically you need the CM squared of you original dimensions, so 10x10cm is 100cm squared, or 30x5cm is 150cm squared etc.

Then you need the CM squared size of you squares, so micro will be 2x2cm which is 4cm, medium is 5x5cm so 25cm.

Then you just divide the CM squared of your original shape (so let's say it's 100cm) by the CM squared of your square size (so let's say micro which is 4cm) which equals 25, so you can fit 25 micro squares into it

Formulas I used:

Where the yellow squares are automatic, you only enter things into the white squares

[Edited on 16-11-2012 by mattant]
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16th Nov 12 at 18:34   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

fook that... its a friday!! How wheres my fooking beer!

pew pew pew pewwwww
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16th Nov 12 at 18:37   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You don't need to do it in three dimensions, if you know the area available and you know what area the photos will take up, its just arithmetic.

Squares of different shapes will mess you up though, unless you install the bigger stuff first, see how much room you've got for medium and the backfill with small ones.

I don't really understand the question tbh.

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