Registered: 13th Oct 11
Location: Luton
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ok so ive got a c20xe corsa that ive just got back on the road after a few months, since its first started running its been constantly misfiring badly and has a big loss of power. I changed the coilpack (thinking this was the problem) however problem has stayed the same. We checked another coilpack to be sure and came up with the same problem and we have narrowed it down to number 1&4 not sparking from the coilpack we checked the plug for the coilpack and it seems to have little/no earth.
As i'm still learning in this trade and im no car sparky was wondering if anyone on here has any idea what the problem could be or maybe just the next step i should be taking tommorow at work?
Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
Registered: 19th Nov 09
Location: Camberley Drives: Porsche 944
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So you know it has little/no earth from testing it?
Surely that is then your problem? So find where it should be earthed and earth it out?
unless I have read that wrong 
My ecu created a Misfire and fuel starvation as it gave up the ghost but yours sounds wiring related
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Registered: 13th Oct 11
Location: Luton
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no i know that theres an earthing problem im just wondering if anyone would have any idea to why lol :L
Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
Registered: 19th Nov 09
Location: Camberley Drives: Porsche 944
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Has it ran properly on the wiring as it is?
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Registered: 13th Oct 11
Location: Luton
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yeah it has mate
Registered: 2nd Feb 03
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I doubt its an earthing issue if you are getting spark on cyls 2+3
iirc there are 4 pins on the coil pack - live, earth, activation for cyls 1+4, activation for cyls 2+3
Dont the standard coil pack managments still run an ignition amplifier? is this ok
What resistance are you seeing through the earth to the battery earth terminal? (with the engine running)
Registered: 13th Oct 11
Location: Luton
User status: Offline
havent checked the resistance ill check this tommorow at work and also i was told by a mechanic at work the car wouldnt run at all if the ignition amplifier was not working, could he be wrong then? if so what check should i do for this
Registered: 2nd Feb 03
Location: Under your sisters bed
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you havent checked the resistance?? then how have you checked the earth...
not true of the ignition amp - it has two outputs, and half can go down. Used to get similar issues on early vag 1.8T with a single cyl misire
If you have access to an oscilloscope you should scope the activation signals and make sure that they are the same as far as frequency, and amplitude go
[Edited on 03-12-2012 by Mattb]
Registered: 13th Oct 11
Location: Luton
User status: Offline
Car seems to be earthing everywhere else but no current going to two of the pins on the coilpack but the 3rd is getting a positive current through it?