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Author FAO Painters.. Tom etc etc..

Registered: 29th Aug 04
Location: Fife
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29th Dec 12 at 18:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just bought myself a compressor and gun for using in my garage. Will be used for painting wheels, bike bits etc so nothing too big. I've done a lot of painting with tins and get good results so thought I'd give it a bash properly. I've got a gun, mixing cups, water trap and air regulator already.

Question is: What do I need paint wise?

I have a great paint suppliers local but unless you know what your going in for there a nightmare. I'm guessing most stuff will be water based these days so unsure if I need any activator etc etc?

I'm wanting to get a decent amount of primer and laquer so that I only need to buy colour when I need it but I'm unsure how far say a litre will go?

Also are there any guides online for mixing, ratios etc?? Basically a list of what I need would be spot on so I dont look like a complete novice.


Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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29th Dec 12 at 19:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Paint wise, depends on what you get and what activator you get regards mixing ratios etc. Dont get water base for home use, takes too long to dry before the next coat etc. best off getting solvent as its quicker to dry.

A litre of paint goes a long way, I bought a 1/4 litre of 20r Vauxhall metallic black for a set of SRi alloys for a Corsa C. Did all 4 wheels and still had loads left.

Registered: 28th Nov 03
Location: Paisley, Renfrewshire
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29th Dec 12 at 19:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I can't offer any advice Kano sorry, but I was wondering the same thing the other day.

What gear have you bought , and where from?

Registered: 29th Aug 04
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29th Dec 12 at 20:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Bought a compressor off ebay second hand and ordered a small hvlp gun so that I dont have too much trouble with airflow. Compressor is only a 24l so I woant be able to run a full size gun off it but for what I'm doing it should be fine.

Andy, can you still get solvent stuff easily? Thought they had phased it out?

Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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29th Dec 12 at 21:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I can get it easily yeah. Says on the tin "not for motor trade use" but you give the guy color codes from cars and he mixes it up etc. Few people on eBay do it too still. It can be used, just not for motor trade. I.e sign company's and stuff like that use it.

Just water base is harder to get dry quick, and chances are in a garage at home would take ages. Where as solvent drys quick.

Registered: 22nd Apr 03
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30th Dec 12 at 00:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I started off painting in similar way to you, teaching myself as I went along. . .

I got in touch with this company quite early on when I was painting, they are pretty well priced and if you speak to Adrein there he can give you advice on wot you need. Sure I have asked him some really stupid questions in the past but he always helped out way more then my local paint suppliers.

Also you can use there ebay shop to look at wot paints you can get.

Make sure you get a good mask.

Also spend a fiver one something like this

It will be really cheesy and bad but you will lern a lot from it if your a novice, I got some DVDs after painting for few years and still learnt few things. Well worth 5quid

Registered: 28th Nov 03
Location: Paisley, Renfrewshire
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30th Dec 12 at 19:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

How long does water based take to dry?

Do you need to mix up water based stuff?

Registered: 22nd Apr 03
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31st Dec 12 at 15:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have never used water biased personally but her that if you don't have heat, blowers or both then it takes quite a long time to dry. . . And the longer it takes to dry the more airborne contaminant u will get if you a DIY painter.

Registered: 28th Nov 03
Location: Paisley, Renfrewshire
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13th Jan 13 at 15:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sorry to drag this up,but what is the quickest paint to dry ?
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13th Jan 13 at 15:58   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 29th Aug 04
Location: Fife
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13th Jan 13 at 17:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Got all this sorted. Local paint place were unusually brilliant. Got everything I need now, just need to buy colour when I need it. Nothing needing painted now that I sold my vectra so can wait for another day/project..

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