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Author Fitting Uprated Rear Speakers - Corsa B Tutorial

Registered: 15th Mar 11
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9th Feb 13 at 15:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Fitting Updrated Rear Speakers - Corsa B Fitting 5.25" speakers

Tools Required:

  • T25 Torx Screwdriver
  • 13mm Socket
  • Rachet
  • Pilers
  • Wire strippers/Crimps
  • Flat head Screwdriver
  • Phillips Screwdriver

First start by removing parcel shelf and move rear bench forward.

Will start on the passenger side, purely because its the most difficult of the two:

Prise the boot light out from the trim then unplug:

Then remove the cover which gains access to the rear light, and the top mount cover as this hides a torx screw.
Now to remove the pannel to gain access to the speaker, there are 6 x T25 torx screws to remove and 3 plastic plugs towards the rear light.

Now this step depends on if you have a rear strut brace in place, if not you can ignore this step, From inside the rear top mount cover you will see a 13mm nut:

Once undone you will then be able to remove the fixing for the rear seat:

Now all thats left to do is gently pull the trim pannel away from the car:

Now with the speaker accessible you can move onto the next step:

The speaker itself is held in with 3 phillips screws, unplug speaker and remove screws and you should be left with this:

Simply slide the speaker out of the bracket and replace with your new uprated speaker:

To wire the speaker: cut off the OE plug, strip the wire and attach the required spade terminals. Finally attach wires to speaker.

Green = Positive
Green/Brown = Negative

Now re-fitting is as they say in the haynes manual... its the reverse of the removal procedure (Be sure to feed the wire though for the boot light before replacing screws)

With that done... you should have it all back to normal minus the OE speaker:

Onto the Drivers side speaker:

Again start by removing the light access pannel and top mount cover.

This time there is only 4 x T25 torx screws and again the 3 plastic plugs towards the rear light.

I also removed the rear bench mounting again by un doing the 13mm (not required if you do not have a rear strut brace)

Once undone the pannel is then ready to be removed:

The speaker bracket this side is also held in with 3 phillips screws.

Slide old speaker out and new speaker in, then re-attach using the 3 screws.

Re-wire as before by removing OE plug and add spade terminals.

White = Positive
White/Brown = negative

As before re-fitting is a reversal of the removal procedure which should leave you like this:

And that is a Job well done

Admin feel free to move to tutorials

[Edited on 09-02-2013 by corsa-torque]

[Edited on 09-02-2013 by corsa-torque]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Tutorials & FAQ » ICE » Fitting Uprated Rear Speakers - Corsa B Tutorial 24 database queries in 0.0121810 seconds