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Author Drunk man starts fight with skaters
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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14th Oct 13 at 11:48   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Shouldn't be playing football around cars or where there's a possibility they won't get it back if it goes into a garden. I've got quite a collection now of balls I've not returned, around 5

Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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14th Oct 13 at 11:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Brett
Shouldn't be playing football around cars or where there's a possibility they won't get it back if it goes into a garden. I've got quite a collection now of balls I've not returned, around 5

When i was growing up there was very few places to play football that were free. All the fields were fenced off or covered in dog shit.

Dont you think we'd have preferred to play on grass if there was an option rather than concrete? Most of the time we'd play on the grass until we got kicked off there then moved on to the street, or more accurately a small oval bit of grass in the middle of a street surrounded by cars an gardens

[Edited on 14-10-2013 by JonnyJ]

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14th Oct 13 at 12:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Reminds me of when I was 11. I used to ride my trials bike on a bit of rough land . Behind was a new housing estate . There was this psycho that used to run after me on almost a daily basis. At 11 I found it funny till one day he got me . I went home and the following day I went back there and he came out and tried again . Only thing this time my dad was watching from his van . His health deteriorated pretty quick and I never got chased by him again.

The guy above deserves all he gets . They are young lads with fuck all to do. It's not like they are drinking causing trouble they are simply skating past . Old people forget they was once young . Or maybe he has accepted he's stuck with a fucking wrestler n doesn't want anyone else to be happy
SVM 286

Registered: 13th Feb 05
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20th Oct 13 at 02:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Gary
Originally posted by SVM 286

Shame he didn't drop the little scrotes though.

Why? What had they done wrong?

John's right too, if they had have been chavs then that cunt would have had his her stoved in

Probably four or five hours of skateboard wheels on tarmac and pavement outside the place for the umpteenth time that week/month Gaz.

I'm all for live and let live, but we get the scooter mob and the skater mob up and down out here fairly often when the weather is decent (obvously worse with windows open) and it can drive you to distraction.

I've never taken issue with them, but I can completely understand someone doing so.

Especially if they've been sat stewing about it and chucking Martinis down their scrag for half a day

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